Pinkington Palace, 1.01

Jun 03, 2009 22:45

It was bound to happen. I had to start another legacy. It's not like I don't have plenty going at the moment, or anything. And I had no idea what to call this one! I don't do the "The ____ Legacy" for my stories, so I was a little stumped. BUT ANYWAY. On with the show!

Bitsy Pinkington, at your service!

She is Evil, Excitable, Absent Minded, Childish, and a Great Kisser. She loves sushi, electronica and the colour pink. She yearns to be the Emperor of Evil, and when she bought this little shack, she had §25 left.

And as soon as I take it off pause, what does she do? Why, she immediately starts running down the street. WTF?

Apparently, there was something Really Good on the tv at the gym, and her spidey senses had been tingling like mad.

She tries to chat up that guy, but he's just not interested. What is interesting, is that working out on the far side of Bitsy is one of the Alto clan, the near side is Simis Bachelor, the kid in green is Michael Bachelor, and working out on the treadmill is Bella. Aww.

Bitsy: And then I can do this with my tongue, and your eyes will like, pop out!

Townie guy whose name I forgot to write down: OMGWTF I like my eyes where they are!
Bitsy: I didn't mean literally, you broomhead.

Yeah, he wasn't into kissing her after that. I mean, you can't call someone a broomhead and think that it's okay.

Michael seems to be really attached to Bella, seeing as he sat right next to her to do his homework.

Bitsy: This gym sucks! I'm gonna show those bastards.

And she does that by eating ice cream, right from the tub. Take that, fat fighters!

Bitsy: *Woe*

Bitsy: So what does it take to get a man like you into bed?
Malcolm Landgraab: Permission from my wife.

She got bored with that, and found the closest mirror. When she gets bored, she'll gravitate to the closest reflection of herself and remind herself of how hot she is.

Or how weird she looks. Either or.

Since she needs to get into the criminal path, she decided to just drop by the criminal headquarters to see if they were hiring. Because they love having random folks off the street drop in like that. But it worked! Though she was immediately given the next two days off, and wouldn't start until Friday.

I placed Bitsy next door to my testing family, the Roberts, and looking through the window, it seems that Kate (the former maid) isn't that happy at being step-mother to Inigo and Fezzik.

She licked the spoon as she made her salad! But she's making waffles here, so it's really unnecessary to tell you that, but I thought I might forget if I waited til later.

I love the faces she makes while she waits for her waffles to cook. And they took a looooooooooong time.

Woo, no pixel blur! ALSO she sings in the shower. Not each time, but she's done it a few times. I tried to record it, but I had no sound, so I'll have to check those settings.

That's gotta be underwear up there, because we've just seen that you wax it all.

And holy hell - OUCH! Having your ass squeeze through the seat like that has got to hurt.

But maybe she likes that.

I thought this guy would like her, seeing as they're both in the criminal path. He didn't, but that's okay. I like how sims can sit either facing the table, or away from it.

Halfway through their conversation, he bolted. I don't know why. But she wasn't that sad, just confused.

So she started chatting up Cycl0n3 Sw0rd, who I think everyone has landed so far. He's going to be like the Ben Long of TS3, I think. But with a better nose.

They were playing tag, here. He likes to have fun :)

Cylc0n3: Yeah, I'm hung like the Loch Ness Monster.
Bitsy: You mean your penis is a mythical beast that very few have ever seen, and the photographic evidence has been of poor quality and dismissed by experts as being faked?
Cycl0n3: What?? NO! I mean that I'm huge!
Bitsy: Suuure you are.

It's not a surprise that he didn't want to kiss her after that. They were getting along really well, but it could've been the fact he has a girlfriend that was getting in the way.

That didn't stop him from coming home with Bitsy, though. What? She's evil. EVIL. It said so right at the beginning.

He's even happy to spend the night, without calling his girlfriend. Poor Zelda.

And oh yeah baby, you'll be having some fun.

Once Bitsy can pry him off his damn computer, that is.

See? You're having fun, right? This is better than pr0n, right?

Cycl0n3: Eh, I'm kinda sleepy.


There. Don't tell me THAT wasn't fun.

And first thing in the morning? Green puke! I had white puke with Buttercup Roberts, and others have told me that they had brown. I wonder if it changes with their diet?

Cycl0n3 pissed off home soon after, because he had "somewhere to be", and he didn't even say goodbye properly!

So Bitsy went to meet the neighbours, who are my testing family.

Bitsy: If I have too many kids, my uterus might fall out.


I did not know they could do this. Inigo kept hiding in the toybox!!

Which pissed off the maid, who was trying to put toys away, and couldn't, because Inigo was in there. LOL.


Fezzik drove the maid out with her horrible xylophone playing!!

Kate doesn't like girls chatting her up. and DP continues to be awesome by putting Inigo to bed!

This conversation went on for a while, with neither of them budging on their position.

Kate was obviously enthralled.

Then this cop turned up to talk to DP, but DP wandered back inside. Seeing as DP is in the criminal path too, and was arrested after a few days on the job, I wondered if he was being picked up again.

But I totally get a stripper vibe from this cop. Bitsy chatted to him for a while, but since he had a girlfriend, she buggered off home.

Where she suddenly realised she was pregnant.

That's pretty good for a first painting. Much better than the pink lady! I don't know if it's the same picture if you do it in small or medium sizes, though.

She called Cycl0n3 up to invite him over, with the ulterior motive of moving him in for his money. But it looks like she's trying to eat his face :/

Bitsy: Oh, and there's a kid walking around my uterus, and you put it there. Just thought you should know.

Cycl0ne3: *brain explodes*

Cycl0ne3: Hey, congratulations on a fully functioning reproductive system!

Cycl0ne3: Oh there really is something in there! This 3D stuff is way cool. Wait til I tell the guys on my forum about this! They'll be so surprised I got laid.

And then he agreed to move in with Bitsy, bringing §4150 with him.

And his lap top, of course. And if you look closely, at the edge of the table the stereo is on, you can see the 'sound rings', I guess they are. When the stereo plays, you see the music notes and these sound rings bursting out. It's very cool.

Stereo: Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie

Oh yeah. They're blaming it on the boogie.


She's got a nice ass.

Horses still fly!! I bought the stuff for the kid while they had money, and since she's childish, she loved playing with it!

Bitsy: This horse has no peepee!

Now that's an attractive colour combination. Also, this was autonomous cleaning. I was impressed, especially as he's a couch potato!

Yup, this is how they spend their time, since he's got the weekend off.

They were being boring, so I watched tv.

So, Bitsy goes into labour, and all they can think about is food. She had JUST started eating her apple pancakes when the contractions started, and then she hurt too much to stop to have them.

Cycl0ne3: Those pancakes look pretty good...

Cycl0ne3: Was there something else I was meant to be doing? Oh yeah, I need to get someone to fix my laptop.

Meanwhile, Bitsy has arrived at the hospital, and poses for the people freaking out.

Cycl0ne3 turns up once he finishes Bitsy's pancakes, and arrives just in time.

And then that lady passed out, and the cop did nothing except chat up the other lady.

It's a boy! Marmaduke! Who is artistic and neurotic. I don't know if he'll get her colouring in his hair, skin or eyes, because I'm assuming that babies come out with defaul colours.

But I could be wrong.

Since she's been wanting this since she found out she was pregnant, I decided to indulge her, since it is VERY cute.

Evil sims and their needs to steal candy from their newborns. What is the world coming to?

And then Cycl0ne3 put him to bed autonomously. Aww.

He should probably call his girlfriend and break up with her, too.

pinkington palace, sims 3

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