Welcome To Tinsel Town, 2.02

Jun 03, 2009 12:48

What's this, Celie? Autonomous affection for your youngest? K has to drop whatever she's doing and race across the house to hug her parents when they come home. And Celie's car is still invisible. I couldn't pick it up, even with moveobjects on, so I had to delete the driveway to get rid of it, and buy a car we COULD see. Stupid thing.

I'm not sure if this is Celie having an obvious favourite in K, or if Celie is trying to reduce the amount of children in the house by literally throwing K out.

WTF? How did that happen? You were in the red! Bugger. And PINK? Talk about rebelling!

But holy hell you're gorgeous, girl.

LOL. Those are her pyjamas. You're meant to be rebelling against your parents, not the RULES.

That's much better.

She is seriously hot stuff. I think she's my favourite born in game sim. Is anyone surprised at the aspirations she rolled? And they were completely random, too. She's desperate for friends and for people to love her! *sniff* poor J. I made sure both girls had one point left to use on getting a second aspiration, which was hard, since they had so few to start with! And she has ten nice points, which makes it so much harder for her to be in this generation. WOE.

And she's not that picky!

Celie: Is that the fabled Horny Blue Tit? Hmm, no. Lark Francette is just naked again.

Bowling is very srs bsns. And scary, too.

Look, K does exist!

Getting J back into the red is easier now her fears don't all involve the dogs.

Aww, you look so sad. I'm almost sorry.

J: This is YOUR fault, old man! YOU made this damn legacy, and it's YOUR fault I have to suffer like this!

Elwood: Don't blame ME, you brat. It's in the rules! If you didn't like it, you shouldn't have signed up for it!
J: uh buh wha? *shakes head to clear the fog of the Imperius spell*

J: Whatever. It's still your fault I'm being treated this way. Just you watch it...one of these days, I'll get you for this.

She's still scary looking when she's pissed. And her only fears were being enemies with her mother, sister and grandfather. C'mon girl, give me something to work with!

Despite the toilet being RIGHT THERE, behind the door on the left, he misses. And pees all over Celie's floor.

Somewhere, J is stabbing a voodoo doll that looks like Elwood, I'm sure.

Ruh roh!

What the HELL is up with these dogs?? They love their owners waaaaaaaaaaay too much.

Oh, burn. Other families get 20K for their loved ones!

Vasyl: Huzzah! My daughter passed out in her breakfast!! YES!

You have strange wants.

This is something my sim kids rarely do.

Why so sad, guys? Are you morning the loss of Elwood?

Vasyl: Huh? Cheese tastes funny.

J: Damn you Elwood!

No, it wasn't anything to do with Elwood's death. But since he was gone, there was no reason to keep so many damn dogs in the house. So I sent all of them away. ALL OF THEM. They were annoying.

Celie vents her feelings in an entirely appropriate way for an evil witch, and mother of the black generation.

And then celebrates her sudden freedom from old men and dogs with her husband.

See, K is alive and well!

And that wall colour looks purple sometimes, and pink at others. Gah.

K: I has sorrows. I should drown them.

She is seriously trying to runswim away here, she's right at the very edge of the lot. She can't get any further out, but she sure as hell is trying.

And as soon as she realises she can't drown or swim away? She comes up to autonomously kick Elwood's headstone. Girl has some anger issues!

And the best way to combat those anger issues, grief, and gaping holes in your soul? Bubble juice!

Holy shit, that was only her third day on the job, or something. Now she wants to eat 200 grilled cheese sandwiches.

Vasyl: WTF? How does she get to the top of her career while I'm slumming it?

Let the sibling torment begin! Though neither one has the upper hand, and they still like each other a lot. Since when does tormenting your sibling make them like you??

If you weren't plotting the downfall of your entire family, I'd think this was a sweet picture.

Aww hell, I still think it's sweet. She loves the flowers. She's the only sim I've had who is addicted to flowers.

Why so happy, K?

K: Because I'm high! *giggle* And I've been on the bubbles, too! And I'm farting all over J's bed!

Despite my many attempts to get them to hate each other, these two freaking INSIST on liking each other and playing together. Girls! Read the rules!!

You're not gonna get far on that thing, sweetie.

Oh, yay. An emo ghost.

And I missed him spooking Vasyl, bah!

But look! We're up to four of the hobby plates! Sofia got tinkering, Elwood got gaming, Celie got nature and Vasyl got cuisine!

K is on the verge of failing, because she keeps having wants to do her homework. So that means they pile up like this. She's on a D average here. While J, who has no wants for homework, is on an A+. But she also isn't getting any homework!

K: You are not going to send me to band camp military school! I won't go I won't go I won't go!

K: I. Am. Angry!

So, to stop K from failing and causing the social worker to swing by, J helps out by doing some of K's homework.

Apparently it's really hard.

To celebrate successfully naming all the shapes and colours, J heads out to get drunk. Luckily, there are no bouncers at this place, so she didn't need the fake ID she had made.

She knows how to rock it, doesn't she?

Oh ho ho ho, just what we needed. A hot vampire!

J: So, what's it like being dead?
Count Val Ilves: I'm not dead.
J: Of course you are. Everyone knows that vampires are dead.

Count Val: No, I'm undead.
J: What's the difference? Dead is dead.

Count Val: Woe! Oh, the youth of today, with their whorish faces and ways.
J: Yeah, it's pretty hot, isn't it?

J: So, why don't you just wear a hat and some sunscreen?

Count Val: I might as well prance about in your mother's negligee and sing show tunes on the street at midday for all the protection a hat will give me.
J: That sounds hot. Will you do that for me anyway?

She REALLY likes flirting. Not only does telling her to flirt get the fist pump, but the leg goes too.

Awww. And yes, we are seducing the vampire for a reason!

Mostly because he's easier to find and seduce than wolves, and doesn't take as long as becoming a plantsim.

Just practising the 'bite neck' interaction.

J: Holy hell this is best make out session EVAR!!


J: *wandering away* That was some kiss! I feel different...like a woman!

J: Goddammit where's my hat??

My ghosts have a problem. They keep WALKING. Ghosts don't walk. They float!

But I can use Smonaff's ghost hack to fix that, woo! Though I have to make them selectable first, select their default walk to ghost, and then make them unselectable. But it works!

K: There has been a disturbance in the force. Things are just not the same any more...we now have cable...

Rawr, foxy hot angry vampire alien chick.

Which means you get the bejeebus scared out of your pants by your dead aunt.

And all this talk of dead aunts reminds me of Coupling (the UK version), where Jane's aunt dies, and people keep saying things like "I'm not trying to get you back into bed with my dead aunt." It's a great show. But I digress.

And in case you missed it, K isn't scared, she's just dancing.

The sauna finally gets some steam on.

Ahhhh this made me happy. Celie had a want to become a vampire. J had a fear that Celie would be made a vampire. But....what happens next? OH NOES ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!

I had enough pictures to make two entries, so that's what I'll do! 2.03 will go up tomorrow :)

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welcome to tinsel town

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