Big Brother, Day 3

Sep 26, 2008 19:13

Day 3 started early for the HMs, with nearly everyone up before dawn again.

Some of the House Mates felt more comfortable in their new environment than others, but so far everyone was getting along well enough.

House found himself being attracted to Amanda more and more, which both pleased and surprised her.

Carey-Anne took time to study the ants, trying to learn what she could from the Queen ant about ruling mindless minions.

Cosmo and Emmie's relationship was hotting up, with the two always together. Cosmo wanted to continue things with her, but she didn't feel so comfortable about doing everything in the bedroom. Being naked was definitely ok.

Cosmo really enjoyed woohooing her, and wanted to do it in the bedroom, where it was more comfortable. He didn't particularly care if anyone else was around - after all, they were on tv!

But she found herself falling for him, and found she wasn't completely against the idea.

Zoid was a bit more private, despite Bexy's begging. He didn't want to woohoo when everyone else could see them.

Cupid certainly was busy in the house, with Quinkie and Isaac falling for each other. Isaac was surprised he could feel like this about anyone but himself.

It wasn't all happiness, however. Holly and Doctor Horrible had a nasty shouting match, where Holly accused Doctor Horrible of not being a real doctor.

Pascal served up cereal to the House Mates for breakfast, though Carey-Anne was very vocal about preferring a hot breakfast. With the first eviction looming, and being on the chopping block, Pascal didn't trust himself to not set the kitchen on fire.

With everyone else down at breakfast, Zoid was feeling more comfortable with fooling around in bed, but not with Isaac in the room.

Isaac fixed that problem by shooing Zoid and Bexy out, so that he could show Quinkie just how incredible he was.

Big Brother got very clear recordings of Isaac crying out "Oh yes, you're getting the Isaac Injection baby."

Arancio couldn't believe how brazen some of the HMs were with the adult activities, and complained about it to Amanda over breakfast.

Amanda was sure he was complaining so much because he wasn't getting any.

After breakfast, Big Brother called everyone into the lounge to find out about their task for the day. BB said that being on the show would turn their lives upside down once they returned to the real world, so he would help them get used to it now.

Again, not everyone was pleased, but that was to be expected.

Some were just unsure about how they'd go with it.

Zoid was firmly in the 'did not care' basket. From Bexy's behaviour this morning, he knew he'd be getting some more quite soon.

Bexy completely ignored Big Brother and his announcement, because she was too busy talking to Pascal about what a great kisser she was.

Pascal stammered how he'd like to find out for himself, which Holly found to be completely inappropriate.

BB released them into the backyard, where they discovered exactly what he had meant.

Some of the HMs took to it well.

Some weren't too sure.

And some really didn't like it.

At first, anyway.

Bluebell quickly found she didn't have the balance for it.

Briar, once she figured out how to go with the Sphere, rather than fight it, loved it. She was the first to get her "Crotch Glow" on.

Other HMs also soon got the hang of it, and started to enjoy it.

But not everyone could. Holly kept getting thrown out, and ended up with a few bruises.

Some HMs found absolute freedom in the spinning.

House was not one of them.

Soon, the backyard was full of glowing HMs, as most mastered the machine.

So Big Brother turned up the heat.

It wasn't so easy now!

Zoid lost all confidence in his earlier abilities, and was soon tossed out.

That wasn't all that was tossed!

Emmie and Bluebell also didn't make it through the harder levels, despite clinging on as tightly as they could.

Quinkie and Holly gave up on the task, knowing they couldn't take any more of it, and spent the remaining time talking about what Quinkie and Isaac got up to in the bedroom earlier.

Holly was a big Isaac fan, and wanted all the details.

Isaac was also happy to brag about himself, and Pascal was a very eager ear.

Somewhat disturbingly, Zoid was also a big fan of Isaac's. It seems that being in the House had brought them closer together.

With the task (finally) over, the HMs that could stomach lunch headed inside. Those that couldn't, sat there and tried to keep their breakfast down.

Everyone except Holly, who wanted to make sure her tan was as golden as possible for the Eviction show, just in case she got booted.

Carey-Anne thought about adding BB to her List for making her suffer through that task, but Pascal pointed out that it may shorten her time in the House quite drastically.

After lunch, the HMs went their own way. Quinkie indulged in one of her favourite couch activities. Well, one she could do by herself, anyway.

Amanda just did not get why Quinkie found it so much fun. It seemed quite childish, and Amanda thought Quinkie looked quite ridiculous.

Doctor Horrible and Emmie teamed up outside to shoot some hoops, though Emmie was not any good at all.

She could fart like a champ, though.

And she was sure proud of it.

The bubble blower was again a popular spot to be, and their laughter could be heard all over the yard.

No one was quite sure what was in the bubbles, but they knew they'd have to buy one once they got out.

Somewhat disturbed that she couldn't get a spot at the bubble blower (though purely for scientific research, of course), Carey-Anne practised her juggling. Part of leadership involves delegation and being able to juggle what was left, so she decided that practising her juggling skills would help in her world take over bid. Plus, she looked hot doing it.

Amanda finally talked Quinkie down from the couch, and they hung out on the lounge floor with Pascal. Carey-Anne's infamous List was the topic of a very humourous discussion, and they came to the agreement that none of them took her very seriously. Even Amanda, who took everything seriously.

Cosmo begged BB to be allowed to use the DJ booth, and BB reluctantly agreed.

Briar and Bexy were over like a shot, Smustling like crazy. Being without music and dancing was a big punishment for them, and they soaked up every musical drop.

Doctor Horrible found all their antics tiring, as usual, and headed back into the sauna for some well deserved peace and quiet.

He was soon joined by Carey-Anne, who didn't stop talking.

After a while, BB told Cosmo that it was time to turn the music off. This brought a loud reaction from the House Mates, but Big Brother was not to be disobeyed. Quinkie and Cosmo hung out on the swinging chair to discuss the friendships they'd made in the House.

No one was really in the mood for dinner, except for Holly, who ate by herself, while everyone else was having fun. It was probably nerves about being nominated, but she felt quite disconnected from the other House Mates.

There was some time to kill before the Eviction show, so the HMs got to laze around before it was time to get ready. Isaac was already dreaming of his next conquest - it would be almost rude to not offer the other girls a chance at the ol' Isaac Injection, after all.

And then the time they had been dreading had arrived - the first Eviction show. The three Nominated House Mates all put on their best clothes, knowing they'd be the focus of the live show. Plus, if they were evicted, they wanted to be looking their best when they faced the audience on the outside.

Quinkie did not like Bexy's dress at all, she thought it was far too slutty.

Carey-Anne and Doctor Horrible discussed Bluebell's hair, and Carey-Anne was in agreement with the good Doctor - it did indeed look like a hat.

Even from across the noisy room, Bluebell heard that. But there was no time for retaliation, as they were about to go live.

And the first House Mate to be evicted from the Big Brother House this year was...

Holly Rose! Who was clearly devestated by this turn of events.

And now she'd never get a chance at Isaac.

Arancio thought it was a huge joke, how could the public hate Holly??

Isaac reminded everyone that it wasn't just a game, there were feelings involved, too. And that if he had his way, those feelings would be between him and as many of the women as possible.

Big Brother announced that it was time for Holly to leave the House, which she did, trying not to cry any more.

And then, she was out.

But she wasn't happy about it, not at all.

The HMs rushed out to yell goodbye over the wall, hoping that Holly could hear them.

Which she could, even though she was now in the car that would take her to the studio for the Eviction Show interview.

Somewhat at a loss, now that the first House Mate was gone, the HMs mingled about, with Briar and Bluebell getting quite close.

No one was interested in staying up late that night, so they all headed up to bed. Isaac was very interested in his fine reflection.

Somehow, Amanda was able to get Isaac away from the mirror, and claimed it for herself.

House found himself in a very awkward situation - being surrounded by hot women who pranced about in the underwear and showered naked in front of him, but he couldn't stare openly. Having to look away was almost painful!

Cosmo and Emmie were very interested in waiting for everyone else to go to sleep.

And once the others had finally gone to sleep, they got to woohoo in a much more comfortable - and private - manner.

Previous entries:

[ Sneak Peak] [ Meet the House Mates]

[ Day 1] [ Day 2]

big brother 2

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