Big Brother, Day 4

Sep 27, 2008 05:06

Day 4 started much like the previous day, but Big Brother had them out in the yard early to start their task - Balls and All! This task would be different, because whoever was the final winner, would win a prize.

Isaac received a brief time out for telling Big Brother what he could do with the pool queue.

Everyone was teamed into pairs, and each winner would play against another winner, until there was only one left.

Some were cocky about their skills at the table, and only wanted to show off. Others were happy to give it a good go, and the rest were happy to look good doing it.

Not everyone was a good loser.

But there were plenty of happy winners.

Bluebell and Cosmo took a break during the play-offs to catch some sun, and Zoid couldn't help but watch as Bluebell oiled herself up.

Once Bexy was out of the game, she and Zoid headed inside for some private time.

Zoid was quite fond of the photo booth by now.

The other losing HMs were told to clean the House, as it was starting to get a bit feral.

Zoid and Bexy spent some time on the couch together, and Zoid found out that Bexy wasn't against the idea of making private movies.

Big Brother sent Briar to get the garden started, something she found she quite enjoyed.

Arancio got the sinks sparkling,

while Quinkie worked on the showers.

Arancio also developed a mild case of Bubblitis, but BB said that it would soon pass, and not to worry.

Finally, the games were over, with Cosmo being the overall House champion!

Big Brother asked him to pick a House Mate who would share the prize with him, and Cosmo picked Emmie. They were then ordered to the secret door at the top of the stairs.

Cosmo and Emmie raced up - everyone in the House was incredibly curious as to what was behind the door.

It was the Rewards Room! Cosmo and Emmie had full run of the room until the next Nominations.

Cosmo took the opportunity to talk in private with her about how great their first time (and subsequent) had been.

Emmie also felt the same way, and hoped that the privacy would help encourage more.

Downstairs, Quinkie was yet again jumping on the couch. Amanda still did not get what was so enjoyable about it.

After much encouragement from Quinkie, Amanda finally joined in - and discovered she loved it.

Outside, some of the others had taken to playing some more pool for fun, or having water balloon fights to cool down.

Arancio decided to sunbathe, hoping that would help get rid of his Bubblitis, and was soon joined by Bexy.

Despite their earlier conversation, Cosmo and Emmie decided to indulge in some of the luxuries they'd been missing. For Cosmo, it was reading.

And for Emmie, a luxurious bubble bath.

Cosmo was quite impressed with the books that Big Brother had supplied them with - there were quite a few he'd never read before!

Carey-Anne upped the stakes a bit, and took to juggling bottles of vodka. She definitely didn't want to break them, but she needed to get better at it if she was to succeed in world domination!

Pascal definitely had strong feelings for Isaac, but Isaac was such a ladies man, that he didn't dare make a move...yet.

Bluebell insisted on mopping the grass.

Isaac soon joined her in cleaning up - anything to impress the ladies!

And got a lot closer to Pascal in the process. Something that Pascal didn't mind at all.

Cosmo and Emmie finally put the bed to good use upstairs, with Cosmo promising that he'd be like the postman - he'd deliver, no matter the weather.

Bexy stayed out in the sun a bit too long, and ended up quite burnt.

Arancio tried to convince her that the sunburn actually made her look younger, that she'd probably be carded if she went clubbing.

Before they knew it - it was Nominations time again. Big Brother herded them into the lounge while they took their turns to vote. Arancio wasn't sure whether to let his attraction to Carey-Anne get in the way of his voting or not.

While waiting for their turn, Zoid let Briar know that he wasn't sure she'd be able to keep the plants growing in the garden. She did not appreciate his criticism at all.

Carey-Anne let Big Brother know that her voting was strongly influenced by all the hanky panky going on in the House.

The hanky panky was on everyone's minds, in fact.

Briar didn't appreciate it going on in the bedroom. Well, if she couldn't, no one should!

Big Brother cut their chatting short, so that he could announce who was up for Nomination.

And the three House Mates up on the chopping block this time were -



And Briar! Who found it hilarious.

House and Bluebell were completely surprised by these Nominations.

Bluebell didn't want to lose Briar yet, and let her know it.

Doctor Horrible would not give up his theories about her hair, but Bluebell didn't notice this time.

She was thrilled when Briar showed that she felt the same.

Pascal and Arancio decided to indulge in a game of kicky bag to take their minds off being Nominated.

And Isaac and House took to the bar. They were safe for another round!

Over a late supper, Pascal and Arancio talked about the evictions, with Pascal firmly of the opinion that there was no point trying to guess what the audience would do.

Bexy and House bonded over her fascination with Isaac, which was somewhat callous, seeing as Zoid was sitting with them.

Doctor Horrible was pleased. He was in here for the money - among other things - and so far, all was going to plan.

Now that Arancio was Nominated, he became more aware that he was on tv. His appearance was more important than ever, so he spent a lot of time fussing and primping.

Despite his feeling for Emmie, Cosmo was getting interested in Briar as well...and the thoughts of a threesome did cross his mind.

Briar yet again flooded the bathroom. She was unable to shower without the water going everywhere.

Arancio got a bit too close and personal with House in the bathroom, but strangely, House didn't seem to mind.

Bluebell and Carey-Anne were on the scene with their mops, though. Carey-Anne hated anything being dirty, and Bluebell just wanted to look at Briar naked.

Doctor joined in, but only to get a close look at Bluebell's assets.

The House Mates all turned in, with Cosmo and Emmie taking advantage of their private room.

House quite admired the view, but he got the message the girls were sending.

"I know people keep thinking my hair is a hat, but a hat comes off. My hair doesn't! Well, not that hair."

Briar was very much on Bluebell's wavelength.

And with everyone else asleep, the girls got in tune together, before falling asleep themselves.

And now it's time to vote!


The poll will close on Wednesday, 1st October at 8 am, AEST (that's Australian Eastern Standard Time), please check your local times here.

Total points:
Arancio: 8
Briar: 7
Pascal: 5
Bexy: 4
Carey-Anne: 4
Doctor: 4
Amanda: 3
Bluebell: 3
Isaac: 3
Cosmo: 1
Emmie: 0
House: 0
Quinkie: 0
Zoid: 0

notes: I have no idea how Isaac got into the punishment room! The door was locked to all sims, and I went looking for him when I couldn't find him, and there he was!

Previous entries:

[ Sneak Peak] [ Meet the House Mates]

[ Day 1] [ Day 2] [ Day 3]

big brother 2

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