Big Brother 2, Day 1

Sep 16, 2008 07:32

Day 1 started very early, with Big Brother busing the House Mates in from their hotel before dawn. They'd been given strict instructions to line up alphabetically, and to enter the house that way, in a nice calm manner.

Once the doors were opened, most of the House Mates forgot the instructions, and bolted inside, too excited to care.

The HMs gathered around the yard, introducing themselves and chatting, as they started to get used to their new environment.

Some of the HMs trooped inside to check out their new digs, while others continued the 'getting to know you' game.

Arancio: "Dude, my psychic totally said I'd win this shiznit!"

Emmie and Pascal both found the reality of being in the House a bit daunting, and only realised the enormity of their situation after they were inside.

With it being a warm autumn day, the HMs were quick to have some fun, with water balloon fights being a great way to cool off and make friends.

Carey-Anne seemed to find so many people a bit overwhelming, and took to the bubble blower for some calm and quiet.

And to work out how to ensure everyone else got evicted before her.

Big Brother had obviously chosen this year's contestants well, as sparks were flying from very early on.

Though not all the sparks were good ones. Most of the HMs were too busy having fun to notice one bad conversation occurring, which was bound to happen sooner or later.

Doctor Horrible took great offence to Bluebell's hair, telling her it was the worst hat he'd ever seen.

"It's not a hat, it's my HAIR!"

Bluebell was soon distracted from Doctor Horrible's faux pax, though she wasn't too quick to forgive him.

The morning passed with more water balloon fights and games of catch, as Big Brother had left the House Mates up to their own devices.

Things were a bit awkward as Dr Horrible continued to annoy Bluebell about her hair, with the other HMs uncertain as to whether they should get involved or not.

For what it was worth, Quinkie didn't think Bluebell's hair looked like a door at all.

Briar did decide to step in, and distracted Dr Horrible by regaling him with some of her more exquisite grilled cheese experiences, though he didn't seem to enjoy it very much.

Completely oblivious to the possible drama that was unfolding in the yard, Holly had joined Carey-Anne at the bubble blower. Their ignorance may have been bubble induced, but it was hard to say.

Carey-Anne was shocked, but thrilled, to discover that with the help of the bubbles, she could fly, sort of. This would help plan #479 immensely.

BB gave his first announcement of the season - it was time for everyone to come to the lounge.

This thrilled the HMs, though Emmie hoped it wouldn't take too long, as she really wanted to get back outside.

And outside they were to go! Big Brother had announced their first task - a "getting to know you" task, nice and easy. The HMs were split into groups so they could get to know each other better.

Carey-Anne talked (and talked and talked) about the rumours of working magical genie lamps she'd heard, and why plan #319 needed one (though she didn't go into detail about what plan #319 was), to Amanda and House. They pretended to be interested, but were really a little scared.

Cosmo and Isaac discussed their favourite sports, and how much they were going to miss the finals while they were in here.

Well, Cosmo did. Isaac talked about how he didn't play sports, for fear of his pretty face being hurt, and Arancio wondered what the hell Isaac was on.

Emmie and Quinkie found the conversation a bit stilted at first, but soon started bonding over their university exploits, and their love for long sleeved tees and jeans.

Holly and Zoid bonded immediately, but Briar felt a bit out of place around them. Their was so boring!

Pascal felt quite uncomfortable when Bexy talked about her millions of friends, he'd never really been given the chance to bond deeply with people before, but he hoped that that would change now.

BB had insisted Dr Horrible and Bluebell pair off for the task, in the hopes that it would stave off any unpleasantness.

But after a short while, Dr Horrible realised it was a lost cause and joined another group, leaving Bluebell to sit by herself.

Emmie also gave up on the task, the day was simply too beautiful to sit around talking - she needed to soak up the sun! Arancio, however, didn't notice her glaring at him from behind, and didn't get up off the towel that she wanted to use.

It seemed like tanning just wasn't to be, as the weather changed rather quickly, and it started raining heavily. As it was nearly lunch time, the HMs headed inside for something to eat.

Dr Horrible was also starting to change his mind about Bluebell.

Briar jumped at the chance to cook for the group, and decided to make them the most delicious grilled cheese they'd ever had. But as Big Brother didn't supply them with anchovies or dried plums, she settled for something Pretty Damn Good.

Conversation flowed easily over lunch, though Isaac's suggestion that what the House needed was a statue of him caused a few awkward silences.

Zoid wasn't too impressed with being served grilled cheese for lunch,

and Bluebell wasn't impressed about not being served grilled cheese for lunch.

Quinkie decided that Carey-Anne's sandwich was more to her liking, and took the plate right out of Carey-Anne's hands. Carey-Anne added Quinkie to The List.

The List was so big she now had to store it in a briefcase, but when she ruled the world, she would be ticking those names off one by one.

Oh yes, she certainly would.

But in the meantime, she settled for taking the sandwich that Quinkie didn't want.

Lunchtime conversation soon turned to things of a more adult nature, and Pascal shyly admitted he'd never kissed anyone before. Zoid was stunned, even he had done that by Pascal's age!

After lunch, the weather had cleared, so people started heading back outside again, to enjoy the sunshine.

Meanwhile, interest in this season was already starting to reap rewards for Big Brother.

Not everyone wanted to head back outside, and some House Mates volunteered to help clean up. Cosmo volunteered to enjoy the view.

It seemed that Briar's sandwiches had a mood altering effect on the HMs, as they were much friendlier afterwards. House couldn't help but congratulate Isaac for being so hot, though he did stress that he didn't swing that way. Isaac was flattered, but of course people would find him attractive. Who wouldn't?

Cosmo was also quite drawn to Emmie, and wasn't shy about letting her know how attractive he found her.

Carey-Anne headed straight back out for more time on the bubble blower, because she needed to figure out exactly what was in it, how she could replicate it, and whether it was possible to make a portable version...maybe a bubble jet pack...

Bexy and Pascal soon joined her, but they just wanted to get high.

Amanda was a bit worn out by the constant chatter, and opted to stay in the kitchen by herself for a while.

Emmie also decided some alone time was in order, and took to the lounge, where there were more mirrors to enjoy.

House couldn't resist the pull of the canvas, and decided to do a portrait of Isaac.

Relaxing on the lounge was only interesting for a while, and with so many mirrors around, Emmie couldn't resist. Cosmo and Dr Horrible had no complaints.

Emmie wasn't as thrilled with Dr Horrible's posing, as he was with hers.

And Cosmo continued to enjoy the view.

With the sun back out, Isaac knew it was time to share his stunning physique with the world. Someone as gorgeous as he is can keep it to himself for only so long!

Yes...that looks like Isaac. If you're on acid.

Obviously, House's judgement of what's attractive can't taken too seriously.

Bluebell had been hoping that House was painting her, because who could resist her charms?

Dr Horrible took himself off to the sauna, where evil is more easily planned.

Zoid must have noticed the lack of decoration on the walls, and headed to the photo booth to remedy that.

And Bexy decided to help.


There must have been a problem with the photo booth, as no photos came out.

But they didn't seem to be too upset about it, they didn't even ask Big Brother to fix it!

Zoid was so worn out trying to get his photo taken, that he napped on the lounge.

Holly followed Isaac's lead and spent some time dozing in the sun.

While across the yard, Cosmo and Emmie decided to take a dip in the hot tub.

Though they'd only met that morning, they were getting along quite well.

Really, really well.

While they were the second couple to woohoo this season, they were the first to do it publicly. Big Brother knew that ratings were sure to be even better this year, if this was anything to go by.

Cosmo and Emmie spent a lot of time together after that, ignoring the other House Mates, who were already whispering madly about the sexy time shenanigans that had been going on.

As night fell, Amanda and Quinkie wondered whether they should wake Holly and Isaac to tell them there was no point trying to tan any more.

And Briar continued to knock Bluebell onto her ass, again and again.

The score was something like Briar 20 - Bluebell 0.

Upstairs, House and Bexy were the first to strip off and shower naked, showing that there was indeed a great lack of modesty among this year's House Mates.

Even though Isaac sun-baked well into the night, he still ended up burnt to a crisp.

Cosmo and Emmie continued to ignore the rest of the HMs and stayed up by the hot tub.

Cosmo was looking for a bit more action, but Emmie didn't want him to think she was too easy. She wasn't looking to couple up!

Though she did really enjoy her alien experience.

Isaac was sure that Bexy was checking herself out merely as an excuse to view his fine naked form, but really, she didn't even notice he was there.

After their water balloons eventually ran out, Briar couldn't help but gushing how great it was that Bluebell was Bluebell. Over and over and over. Bluebell was impressed and flattered each time Briar told her this, because obviously it was true how wonderful she was.

Isaac knew that Bexy wanted him, so once he was out of the shower (though it was a shame to get dressed and cover himself up), he made one of his trademark smooth moves.

And Bexy flat out rejected him, which shocked Isaac to the core. Why would she choose Zoid over him? Wasn't it obvious that Zoid was vastly inferior?

While Bluebell lapped it up when Briar complimented her, she did not like it when a freshly tanned Holly tried.

So Holly quickly moved onto target #2, Isaac, who did lap it up.

"Hey man, congrats on making it to adulthood! From what I heard, for a while it looked like it wasn't going to happen!"

Synchronised rawring!

Carey-Anne eventually drew herself away from the bubble blower, to try to clean the mess that Briar was making in the shower. Unfortunately, Carey-Anne wasn't too aware of other's needs for personal space, especially while showering.

What she was aware of, was how fine Briar's ass was, and Carey-Anne wasn't into women that way.

Big Brother had locked the House Mates in the bedroom for the night, but they weren't all ready to sleep yet. Isaac and Bluebell spent some time chatting about the other HMs, while Amanda refused to share a bed with Quinkie.

Cosmo was the first to go to sleep...or was he?

Isaac may have been suffering from some mild heat stroke, as he had a lot of trouble figuring out where the toilets were. Or perhaps he just wasn't properly potty trained as a child, and didn't know what he was meant to do, and because of that, was a bit afraid of them.

Because instead of going to the toilet, he decided he would share a bed with Briar, but his bladder informed him that wasn't a good idea.

Zoid didn't quite make it to bed, despite there being plenty to go around.

Quinkie found sunburnt, incontinent and stupid men strangely attractive.

Isaac stood in front of the toilets for ten minutes before getting the courage to go in and use them.

Only to flush it and leave straight away. Clearly, his parents hadn't been thorough in teaching him the basics, like that there was no such thing as the Toilet Monster who would eat you up when you flushed.

And luckily for the still sleeping Zoid, Isaac just missed peeing on his head.

But it was a close thing.

Dr Horrible may be one of the most evil evils around, but that's no excuse for leaving a puddle of piss on the floor - especially if you're standing in it, and you're wearing sandals!

He also had some issues with personal space.

But Isaac kind of liked it.

After this brief moment of intimacy, Isaac realised what had happened and broke down. It had been a hard day! A girl rejected him! He wet himself! His ugly cousin got laid first!

He immediately latched onto Dr Horrible, wanting a cuddle and some reassurance.

But Dr Horrible did not want that filth all over him and gave Isaac his second rejection of the day.

Isaac touching him mad him furious with everything and nothing all at the one time.

Isaac took his stink cloud with him to go cry in the corner, as Quinkie and the Doctor looked on.

These peasants will pay.

Carey-Anne recognised someone who had a thirst for power like herself, and realised that was so much hotter than she expected. She would have to dispose of him once she'd succeeded, of course, but he could be very, very useful indeed.

Isaac managed to rid himself of his stink cloud, but couldn't make it to a bed. So the Spicoli cousins spent the night on cold tiles,

While most of the other slept in more comfort, though no one was comfortable enough to share a bed with someone else as yet. Have sex with them on national tv, yes, but not share a bed.

Previous entries:

[ Sneak Peak] [ Meet the House Mates]

big brother 2

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