Due to Sandshrew's interest in extracurriculars, we have an heir poll on our hands! Solrock, being the daughter of Meowth, is exempt from the heir poll, as she is Meowth's only heir. BUT! We need to vote between Magcargo and Moltres!
Our first contestant, Magcargo!
Neat - 5
Outgoing - 9
Active - 7
Playful - 3
Nice - 3
And your second contestant, Moltres!
Neat - 5
Outgoing - 9
Active - 7
Playful - 3
Nice - 3
Yes, exactly the same personality as Magcargo. XD
Now, I really love both of these sims, so I'm not entirely sure how *I'M* going to decide. But there is just no way I can play 3 heirs, so I'm afraid we've got to! Thank you all for voting!
Poll Generation 8 Heir Poll