The Pokemon Legacy | 7.1

Jul 16, 2012 22:04

And we start the update off with excitement! I sent Sandshrew to make grilled cheese sandwiches for the family, and THIS is what she gives me! A RAGING INFERNO. The SECOND she set those sandwiches on the stove, the kitchen ERUPTED into flame. 11 squares were instantly engulfed. Stove, floors, counters, the microwave, all on fire. And look how high that girl can jump!

You look about as surprised and horrified as I was, Sandshrew, m'dear. She has MAX cooking skill. And she was trying to make GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHES. Where exactly was there room for error? And you had BETTER NOT catch on fire. >[ I love you far too much, despite the extra child you gave us. :P

O_O I have never seen 2 firemen at once. THIS IS A BIG FIRE, CLEARLY. THEY NEED BACKUP. And my god Sandshrew, GET AWAY. The butler has the right idea! HE doesn't want to get reduced to a pile of ashes.

The whole gang is here, freaking out about the fire, of course. Dang sims. But wait, where did our little firestarter go?

Also, random note, the stretch limousine is bigger than a firetruck! I find this excessive.

Mmm, sandwiches.

And there's enough for everyone! Dig in, folks. I hope you like them crispy.

Yeah, when Sandshrew got home, she didn't cook again. We just had the butler make us pancakes. I wish I had a butler to make me pancakes. ;_; I freaking LOVE pancakes.

And how is our happy little accident, Moltres, coming along, you might ask? Pretty well! She's got walking,


and nursery rhyme all down!

Spending time with her siblings...

And getting potty-trained. XD I'm not usually one to post potty-training-face spam, but COME ON. Sandshrew's face is WAY too epic not to share.

Not wanting to be one-upped, they are in battle for heir afterall, Magcargo proves that he knows stuff, too, and instructs F'nor in how to paint. XD Pretty sure I would be irritated if a 10-year-old tried telling ME how to do artsy-craftsy stuff, but hey. I have a low kid-tolerance as is.

Evolution time for Moltres, and her whole family is there to celebrate with her! :3

HOT DAMN. She's practically dripping with potential.

And now with all the little kidlets of school-age and good grades...

Private school tiemz!

Yeah, we're not letting Sandshrew make grilled cheese sandwiches ever again. Thank you, Jeeves, you are indispensable.

I feel that sitting the Headmaster down with the kids to eat grilled cheese sandwiches is WAY more appropriate than the eating lobster thermidor alone that I usually have him do. >_> My sims are rarely hungry at 5-6pm so they never join him. :P

WOO! And 42 food points, danggg. Those must have been some damn good grilled cheese sandwiches.

Polaris reached a LTW! I do so like my perma-plat sims. <3

Evolution time for Magcargo!

He does like aging up into blond hair, doesn't he? :/

There we go. Though I kind of liked him better with the blond, honestly.

And evolution time for Solrock, too!

Man, this generation is turning out VERY well.

This kitchen is really having to stand up to the elements this month, isn't it? First a raging fire, and then a mini flood. It's certainly a sturdy kitchen, to keep looking good after all that.

Oh good grief. LIKE SHE REALLY NEEDS MORE MONEY. The bizarre number you see in the corner is because the date counter portrait I use to see how much money she's earned didn't quite anticipate for any sims to make quite as much as she has. So 1,551 thousand means ONE AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS. The Pokemons have 3 million now, and half of that was made by Sandshrew alone. Just... holy crap. So much monies.

And all before she became an elder! But only just. Elder evolution time for Meowth and Sandshrew. <3
Sandshrew: I can feel the arthritis already.

Wow! The whole gang is here, plus a few friends!

I am so in love with Sandshrew's awesomeness. This is new-favorite-sim status, I think. Well, okay, Sudowoodo is still winning because I played her for like, 4 vacations and through 3 business lots, so I played that one sim for more like 2-3 lifetimes instead of just the one, LOTS OF BONDING TIME, but Sandshrew is DEFINITELY second, then. And that was a really long run-on sentence, but my brain is too mushy to fix it, atm. XD

… the fuck. THEY'RE STILL HAPPILY MARRIED, ACTUALLY, THANKS. Is there some desperate elder townie out there, telling all his friends to score him a hot chick? Like, why are they getting these offers just after aging up? Or, you know, at all, since they're married and not romance sims.

Good gracious. More birthdays. It is AMAZING how legacy sims are not all morbidly obese from how much birthday cake they all consume.

zomg. And Moltres is another stunner. So pretties <333

… I don't think I've ever seen that as a want. It's a rather roundabout way of telling me she wants to be abducted, isn't it?


Woo! F'nor has been promoted and got a LTW!

Whoooops! And Polaris got fired from his LTW job. >___>;; I just didn't want to be a hypocrite, because I have a weather control device sending out sunny skies non-stop, because I hate the rain lagging my game. :P

And I let the old ladies retire. Not like Sandshrew really needs to have any sort of income, but whatever.

Lots of stargazing, enough to max logic and science enthusiasm, but no abduction yet. :/ Perseverance!

We seem to get a lot of these.

She just can't resist the money-making.

Oh dang. The one relationship I forgot about. Everyone else in the house is friends, but I didn't have these to talk to each other at all, so when they started talking on their own, it didn't start out very well. :| Well, hopefully I can fix it before they turn into the new Snorlax and Munchlax, who got into over 150 full-out brawls while they lived together. THAT was fun. >_<

These kids are so bipolar. Arguing one second, then non-stop chatting in front of the stairs for the whole day.

And then a dance party with the whole family! Nothing brings the whole gang together like annoying and addictive dance moves!

ABDUCTION SUCCESS! It only took a week and a half. -___-

Welcome home, Moltres!

Really? REALLY? I spent all that time and effort, and now you're SAD that you were abducted? YOU WANTED IT. I have no sympathy, silly girl.

Evolution for Magcargo!

HANDSOME. I decided I couldn't part with the face spots being passed down, AND that anime hair was better suited to just kids and teens. XD

You guys cannot rock-paper-scissors for who is going to evolve next, I'm afraid. Though I'm glad you're getting along now.

I sent them to hug 'friendly' but I accidentally clicked 'romantic' and couldn't cancel in time. -__-

fffffffffff >_< NOT how I wanted them to become best friends.

Well, at least they're still bipolar. Just moments after crushing on each other, Solrock gave Moltres a noogie. Good. I liked you better not liking each other. You may technically be 7th cousins, but it still FEELS like you're sisters.

Evolution time for Solrock!

HOLY GORGEOUS. We are definitely keeping you, missy.

Geez louise, enough with all the family member ~INTERELATIONS~. I stopped THEM before they actually started performing the action they were aiming for, at least, but I cannot be watching everyone forever to make sure shenanigans don't happen. >_<

So I'm afraid we must say our adieus to generation 7. I'd already had to add about a week and a half to the male spouses so they wouldn't age into elder and crash my game, and the ladies only had about a week or left in their lifespans, so it was about time anyway. <3

It was also about time for our last little bit of generation 8 to evolve into adult!


Well. Umm.. props for choosing something red? But "Mrs. Claus" is not your best look. XD

Ah, yes. MUCH BETTAHS. Even though you can't see her outfit in this, it is much bettahs, I assure you. XD



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