just got back from Flippy's house. w00t w00t, twas fun. we worked on our project a little bit but it was hard since Wally World didn't have the display board we needed...grrrrrr
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we got final EVERYTHING on the competition on saturday and yea that's about all.
NATTIE AND I WERE OUTSIDE AND I SPENT ALMOST TEN MINUTES IN HIS PRESENCE. *shudder* lol wow he's so adorable...I'll get to see him more tomorrow too! *squeal*
so I missed Finky's party...hope she had fun and got everything she wanted. sorry I couldn't come. know that I was thinking of ya when I was walking around the river, Miss Fink!
uhh yesterday I got home and my aunt Kathy was already here so I couldn't get online. wahhhhh but oh well. at her house we watched National Treasure and then That Thing You Do! where I drooled A LOT over Steve Zahn. haha lol
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