You Fill Up My Senses, 1/1

Jan 23, 2008 00:18

Title:  You Fill Up My Senses
Author:  SimplyShanni
Beta:  None. All mistakes are mine and mine alone
Disclaimer:  This is a work of pure fiction. It has been written solely for fun, not for profit. No disrespect is meant to the actual individuals represented here and I make no claims about their sexual orientation in real life.
Pairing:  Orlibean
Genre ( Read more... )

fic: you fill up my senses, author: simplyshanni

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Comments 40

slave_o_spike January 29 2008, 14:08:20 UTC
Hey you! Glad you were able to understand my directions. :)

This was great! I love first person POVs because they really tell what's going on inside the person's head so this was was lovely. I'd love to hear Sean's POV (I'm always more interested in Sean's POV on Orli then the other way around).

And I just got how young Orli was in this piece from the end so good job there letting us know without coming out and telling us.

This was so expressive and filled with warmth so hell yeah! You should continue. (Give up writing? What are you? Mental!)

And I loved this line:

I don't know how long I spend paying homage to that tiny jut of flesh,

I don't know why, but for some reason it was the most vivid image in my head and made me realize how lost one could become when they're worshiping someone. Did that make sense?

Great first story! *hugs you*

Oh and a non-sequitor - I've finished chapter 5. Can I send it to you?


simplyshanni January 29 2008, 23:43:07 UTC
Hey Sweetie ( ... )


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simplyshanni February 13 2008, 06:57:03 UTC
Wow! I'd pretty much stopped checking for any more comments on this story, so what a wonderful surprise to receive your lovely, lovely comment!!! As you are one of my favorite writers, I cannot tell you how much your response to my first attempt at a fic means to me ( ... )


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simplyshanni February 20 2008, 18:08:05 UTC
I'd be honored, and I've noticed that too! I'll friend you right back. But fair warning, currently my LJ is being used as nothing more than a place to store my fics so it's a rather boring place to visit. I have only one totally completed and the rest are privacy locked until they're fit to be read. ;)! I'll look forward to learning more about you, and I'm sure you're not boring!




simplyshanni February 20 2008, 18:28:33 UTC
Thank you so much for your response! I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and I appreciate your encouragement more than I can say!

*blushes sheepishly* I was SO NERVOUS about posting my first fic, not mention my first major love scene, that my hands were literally shaking and I messed up TWICE before I finally got it posted correctly! Believe me hon, if I can do it, ANYONE can!

I plan to keep writing. In fact, I have several stories currently in the works, including Sean's POV! Yay! Solidarity for new writers! *big grin* I'll be looking forward to reading what you come up with!

*Big Hugs!*



duffy_60 October 31 2008, 11:39:21 UTC
Well, this certainly woke me up this morning. Oh, to be woken up this way -- on occasion, at least! ;-)

Lovely, and I happily anticipate more from you.



simplyshanni October 31 2008, 18:19:10 UTC
Thank you for your encouraging feedback, Daphne. Being awoken by a lover's caress really is a wonderful way to start the day! I'm glad this worked for you ( ... )


rinakabu November 2 2008, 08:31:46 UTC
simply beautiful and hot at the same time, thank you.
And I would love to read Sean's POV.
Keep going girl :)


simplyshanni November 2 2008, 08:57:38 UTC
Thank you so much for you're lovely words! They mean a lot to me. I'm just tickled to receive feedback on an older story like this. Oooh, I just saw that you friended me so I friended you back. I love making new friends!

'You Fill Up My Senses' was written at the end of last January and RL got rather complicated after that. It's a long story and I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that until quite recently, I've had very little chance to be on LJ. Life has smoothed out now, but I sort of lost my muse for Sean's POV. Sorry about that. Still, I hope to get it back some day soon, so don't give up on it completely. Your encouragement is much appreciated!






rinakabu November 2 2008, 09:09:21 UTC
I love making new friends too, who don't? *g*
And if there is a tiny chance for your muse coming back I'll just wait for it, I'm patient :)


simplyshanni November 2 2008, 09:52:50 UTC
*g* You've got a good point, there!

Thanks for your patience!

I just noticed in my last reply to you that I somehow managed to sign off twice, the second of which I actually misspelled my own name! Thought I got rid of that before I posted it! *shakes head in confusion*

Sheesh, what a doofus! I think it's time for me to get some sleep! That's my excuse, at least, and I'm sticking with it! ;P


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