Title: hit this live (say hello with a fist)
Pairing/Characters: Jin-centric, Ryo/Yamapi/Jin friendship, KAT-TUN (6nin) friendship, with appearances by Kusano, Shirota Yuu, Joey Tee, the rest of the Jin-crew, and probably others I'm forgetting. XD
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Within a year, Jin’s entire life changes.
Author’s Note: 10785 words. When I
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Comments 10
Sorry for this gibberish. Just know that I really loved how you summed up the events of last year from Jin's point of view.
It's like...lk;fjslf I don't even know what to say. I was lucky enough to go to NY con and reading that section of the NY con just l;kjfaskf YES. omg. And the interaction with Aubree, Lizzie, Joey and John Micheal all pushing him to go sing Eternal, it reminded me of that night, and how everyone of his dancers/support crew/whatever you call them, were standing just off stage, watching him with proud smiles and ;lsajf;aslkf
/incohernt is incoherent.
tl;dr: love this omg ♥
riha. RIHA. i am in tears. ACTUAL TEARS OF HAPPINESS. there is everything. everything. and it's perfect. ryopi give him shit and kuntt give him shit and you included the jin crew and jin's family and basically all of the milestones over the past year in one fic.
when koki said "we're not going to punch you" and then it was mentioned that he did the first time, my heart just exploded. this is exactly how i would have written if it i could have brought myself to do it, only now i don't have to because you already did and it's infinitely better than anything i could have pushed out through my butthurt.
and the end with the three of them kicking each other in yamapi's bed, just. PERFECT. FUCKING PERFECT.
i love you so fucking much and i'm sure i sound like a broken record because i say this with basically everything you write but i am so glad to know you. ♥(♥)♥♥-♥♥♥²
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