Wow!! That was the speediest giveaway ever!

Nov 18, 2008 10:41

I've gone through the requests and have worked out who is getting what :-)
The first 10 people to request Generation Dead have snagged a copy.
The first 10 people to request Ironside have snagged a copy.
The first 20 to request the Vesuvius Club have snagged a copy.

These people are;

Generation Dead  
hiphoppapotamus, jekesta, fenoxielo524, unicorntree,dionisia2005,
atalantapendrag, irish_ravenclaw, sukiarareader, pastorbear, pigeonhed


phantomminuet, gypsylady, constantcomment, melazanyjoannkatanaalezandrane, darlaslilgirl, pefhlawae, jonaskaite, briasoleil

Read more... )

giveaway, book

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Comments 26

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simon_saysuk November 18 2008, 13:54:03 UTC
That's understandable, and I totally respect that. I'm just trying to ensure that I get to see any reviews or mentions of the books when they posted so that I can keep a track of everything.
As you said, I've added you as a friend so that any non-friend entries such as reviews etc. that you post I should be able to see through my friends feed without you having to add me back, so as long as they are unflocked that's absolutely fine. :-)

So no withdrawing missy! Especially as Generation Dead is a great read and I look forward to hearing whether you agree with me or not!

rss feeds??? - no clue about these haha! can you explain them to me?

"I mean I assume you're a person" That line cracked me up! Yes, I'm a person. My name is Ally and I work in online marketing at Simon and Schuster UK. I have my own LJ which like you I have set to Friends only... but mainly as I'm a total geek and don't want everyone to know! haha!


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simon_saysuk November 18 2008, 14:28:38 UTC
Why didn't i think of that! I could have made my fictional self so darn cool! lol!

Thanks for the info on rss feeds, I think it's something that could be really useful for me as I have a list of blogs as long as my arm that I individually check regularly. Looks like you've just saved me a lot of time :-)


jawastew November 18 2008, 19:56:34 UTC
Awesome! I'll definitely post my review everywhere I can. Thanks so much. :)


simon_saysuk November 19 2008, 10:23:20 UTC
No, Thank you!
Getting feedback on our titles is hugely important for us, so I really appreciate you volunteering to read one for us :-)


irish_ravenclaw November 18 2008, 22:16:55 UTC
Sweet! I'll be sure to post my review on a few of those sites! Thanks!! =D


simon_saysuk November 19 2008, 10:24:44 UTC
That'll be great!
I read Generation Dead a few months ago and loved it, so I can't wait to hear what fellow LJ users think of it! :-)


fondued_jicama November 18 2008, 23:39:32 UTC
fondued_jicama November 18 2008, 23:46:19 UTC
simon_saysuk November 19 2008, 10:18:41 UTC
Thanks for your input and no worries, I'll take you off my friends list now.
I have considered setting up a community in the past, but seeing as I'm the only one that posts entries here, I'm happy to stick with the journal format for now.

Once again, thanks for the advice, all and any feedback is always appreciated :-)


pinkgalagirl November 19 2008, 01:46:50 UTC
So I impulsively made a twitter for the sole purpose of following Simon and Schuster. I feel like a geek. :P


simon_saysuk November 19 2008, 10:22:05 UTC
Twitter is totally addictive once you get into it. I made my personal one on a whim a few months back and now I'm updating every day :-)


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