Calling all Book Reviewers!

Apr 22, 2009 10:09

Hello lovely people!

I've been dreading this moment (as excel and me are not the best friends), but I want to create a spreadsheet of all of my current/potential bloggers and reviewers! A mammoth task indeed as over the last few months Simon and Schuster UK has gained some fantastic reviewers!

I'll still continue to do monthly giveaways in this ( Read more... )

reviews, bloggers, reviewers

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Comments 4

How are you doing? ext_176733 April 22 2009, 18:25:07 UTC
{tee hee} I was just wondering how that spreadsheet was coming, I am sure you have a zillion emails to organize now. Good Luck!


Re: How are you doing? simon_saysuk April 26 2009, 21:15:55 UTC
Well... it's about half way done... it was fully done but my computer froze :-( and lost half of it... will power through and get it completed tomorrow :-)


asthedeadsleep April 28 2009, 17:37:22 UTC
Hope we haven't caused you too much trouble!


I'm sorry. gillyp July 15 2009, 16:27:43 UTC
I have been reviewing books for you but I somehow missed this post. Do you still want my details or is it now too late?


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