Calling all Book Reviewers!

Apr 22, 2009 10:09

Hello lovely people!

I've been dreading this moment (as excel and me are not the best friends), but I want to create a spreadsheet of all of my current/potential bloggers and reviewers! A mammoth task indeed as over the last few months Simon and Schuster UK has gained some fantastic reviewers!

I'll still continue to do monthly giveaways in this journal, but I will use the Blogger/Reviewer Master of all spreadsheets for when an uncorrected proof or manuscript finds its way onto my desk. As I may only have one copy, I'd also like to know your favourite genres so I know who best to send it on to.

If you'd like to participate and be a reviewer for Simon and Schuster UK, then please email me at
with the following details -

Name -
Address -
Email -
Blog/Livejournal etc. URL (i.e. where you post your reviews) -
Your preferred genre (maximum of three please - sci-fi,history,teen, etc.)

PLEASE DO NOT POST THESE DETAILS AS A REPLY TO THIS ENTRY. This entry is public so I do want you to be giving me your personal details here. You do not have to be a UK resident to be a reviewer for us.

Thanks for participating!

Ally x

reviews, bloggers, reviewers

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