
Aug 17, 2012 18:15

So I guess people read my dumb fics and stuff, so I guess I'll update here when I post some new stuff ( Read more... )

fic, whatevs man, scienceboyfriends, author's notes

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Comments 20

mildly_neurotic August 18 2012, 07:26:57 UTC
I actually just read this as I subscribe to you on AO3. So seeing this post I went and scanned the comments to see what upset you. Let me say that in my opinion the commenter in question was out of line. Completely.(And it was easy to pick out which comment was the issue since everyone else who reviewed was nothing but pleased!)

Even beyond the ridiculousness of trying to tell you who can and can't use the word queer, categorizing your knowledge of that and bisexuality based on a single fictional paragraph is just ludicrous. The dialog of one character, even if you HAD meant Pepper to be offensive, can hardly be taken to express YOUR knowledge or views.

Honestly some people just love to bitch. Don't let them get you down. *hug*

From what I can see in all the other comments, the rest of us loved it. :-)


silverlace_vine August 18 2012, 11:35:30 UTC
I felt like such a primadonna after I responded, because really, who am I to tell someone they just can't be offended by something I wrote? I don't have the right to tell someone how to read my work, it's my job to make my meaning clear. If s/he was upset by it, it was a failing on my part to not have expressed myself. I may go back and edit it, format-wise, to make it clearer.

And I just took a proper look at my AO3 inbox and I'm up to over 400 comments of people telling me how great my fics are and how brilliant I am, what kind of oversensitive bitch do I have to be to discount the OTHER 399 people who were so supportive, right?

That one person just happened to find the ONE issue I write about, that I actually do really care about on a deeper-than-fandom level. I spent many years in a triad, I am myself demisexual/biromantic, suspect myself genderqueer although I haven't explored myself enough to completely own the word yet, I have intersex and trans and asexual and hypersexual friends, and to be told that I "should be aware" ( ... )


mildly_neurotic August 18 2012, 18:47:17 UTC
While it's true you can't tell someone not to be offended, it doesn't follow that offended parties are always correct. Also you are equally entitled to your own offense and to defend yourself ( ... )


silverlace_vine August 18 2012, 19:15:57 UTC
God, you're awesome. Thank you. I don't want to make assumptions about who that person is either, I just... ugh! I am officially going to put it aside.

I'm working on Predilection, still! It's just a little slow in coming because I need to do a bit of fact-checking. The next chapter involves some groundwork-laying for potential future continuity and I need to make sure I have my ducks in a row. It also means involving a handful of original characters and OH GOD THAT MAKES ME SO NERVOUS YOU HAVE NO IDEA *pats Agent Marco gently*

As to the OT6 thing? The original kinkfill is here (it's from before I actually got an LJ and officially joined the internet):


My plan is to actually write it in such a way that it isn't kind of rushed and stupid, and much more expansive on the OT6 front once they get home.


I'm tired so this might not make much sense abysmal_seraph August 18 2012, 07:40:48 UTC
Screw 'em. If it's not concrete and helpful criticism, it's just wank and that was some rude ass wank at that. And dumb, actually, if they've been reading the fic and pay attention to real world convos. I thought Pepper was perfect in that scene and what they said felt realistic and I'm jealous because you rock so hard.

Read the Science Boyfriends smut earlier and damn that was hot. I love how Tony also ended up in that virginal mindset he was talking about because I think it really helps differentiate between the sex he'd been having before and sex with Bruce (who should be sexed up often and I ended up with accidental OT6 feels when Tony was listing off the other Avengers *coughs*) It made the experience really special for them both and sweet and then Tony's kind of squinting at Bruce in the end like maybe he got played in the most awesome way ever. Beautiful work.

EDIT: And Tony's original sexytimes plan was scorching hot, by the way. Not sad he dropped it for something sweeter but, damn, that imagery had me fanning myself.


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense silverlace_vine August 18 2012, 11:43:46 UTC
I shouldn't have gotten so upset. It just struck me right in the soft spots, and I lost my shit over it. I'm a little embarrassed about it now.

As to Science Boyfriends and OT6? I have a fic I've been working on (it got completely bypassed because Perspective came up and slapped me across the face until I agreed to write it), it was actually my first Avengerkink prompt that I'm going to fully expand at some point, that is ALL ABOUT the OT6 because let's face it they are my real ultimate ship.

Keyword for that one is "telepathic-mindlink", and uh, yeah. Feels and sexytimes ensue. (I have this awesome thing for the six of them in mind).

Also there's the possibility of Bucky, so my smut menu is a vast ocean of options right now. XDDD

Thank you so, so much for reading, and for actually commenting here on my journal, I appreciate it. I kind of disappeared off the Avengers kink meme for a few rounds so I was a little concerned nobody would read it. XD


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense abysmal_seraph August 18 2012, 22:15:17 UTC
I would have gotten upset. It was worded in such a way that it was both rude with the assumption making and also lecturing you, and that's bound to get anyone but the most composed person's back up.

And that part of the comment really was pointless and overreaching. I've sighed myself sick over many fics that ignore bisexuality so I'm extremely sensitive to it. That's not how you've written the characters at all. Previous relationships with women aren't dismissed; they just didn't work out and that's how life is. No where do I get the feel that the guys wouldn't still be attracted to each other if they were suddenly all women or one or two of them were. It isn't about their sex but their fondness and respect.

After seeing The Avengers, I walked out of the theater wanting to shove everyone in a pot and make them sizzle. Then throw in people from other movies because while I understood (and was saddened by) the lack of Bucky, the lack of Rhodey with no explanation confused me. And I miss Peggy and Sif like whoa ( ... )


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense silverlace_vine August 19 2012, 00:19:02 UTC
I have such a hard time wtih Loki. Not because I don't think I get him enough to write him, but because I have a hard time glossing over his eventual fate (ie, the venom in the eyes forevs thing). I think Movie!Loki's fate could be different, but I have a headcanon on that and I haven't been able to shake it yet.

Bucky, too. I'm so scared of writing him on account of Winter Soldier being a thing and not coming out for like A BOJILLION YEARS, and if I write something it'll just get undermined by the movie canon.

Rhodey is also hard because he's with the Army and the Army are kind of the bad guys, most of the time. As he says in the first one, "The less I know, the better". It's probably best not to tell him about the secret shadow government that protects the world and is willing to launch nukes at Manhattan and stuff. Either that or you can't have Don Cheadle and Samuel Jackson in the same movie. Can't fit that much total effin' awesome in one film. (More likely answer: racism ( ... )


Health daltong September 2 2012, 08:21:10 UTC
A quick comment here--maybe not the ideal place, but I needed a place to post and didn't want to say anything on AO3 in case this is not something you care to discuss there (and perhaps you don't care to discuss it here, either, and that's fine). I am what I call a "high functioning disabled person". I don't look disabled, and I think people are a little stymied when I self-identify as disabled, but I have multiple illnesses that strike without warning and leave me unable to do work or school for days at a time, and I telecommute for both work and school because I can't 1) commit to be at any place at a particular time, and 2) expend the energy it takes to commute and then sit at a desk for hours. My life is not nearly as hard as that of many disabled folks, and for that I am grateful, but it is not at all a "normal" life. I do not have the energy I used to have (and that's not just due to aging), and it takes me at least twice as much effort to do almost anything compared to a healthy individual. ANYWAY, my point is that I sympathize ( ... )


Re: Health silverlace_vine September 2 2012, 12:20:13 UTC
I understand. I have a few friends who are in similar situations (combination of social anxiety/panic disorders and visual/auditory hallucinations, without going into disrespectful levels of detail). I'm glad you're able to operate through telecommuting, though, that must be an amazing help!

As to my own problems, it's a long and involved story but the digest version is "minor but occasionally crippling and largely untreatable spinal injury". It's not serious and I'm not dying or anything, but there are days when a short walk can completely ruin my ability to do anything but do a very gentle yoga pose in a hot shower for awhile.

Thank you so much. I know the internet can be fickle when it comes to stuff like this. I appreciate the free pass on my tardiness. XD


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