
Aug 17, 2012 18:15

So I guess people read my dumb fics and stuff, so I guess I'll update here when I post some new stuff ( Read more... )

fic, whatevs man, scienceboyfriends, author's notes

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Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense abysmal_seraph August 18 2012, 22:15:17 UTC
I would have gotten upset. It was worded in such a way that it was both rude with the assumption making and also lecturing you, and that's bound to get anyone but the most composed person's back up.

And that part of the comment really was pointless and overreaching. I've sighed myself sick over many fics that ignore bisexuality so I'm extremely sensitive to it. That's not how you've written the characters at all. Previous relationships with women aren't dismissed; they just didn't work out and that's how life is. No where do I get the feel that the guys wouldn't still be attracted to each other if they were suddenly all women or one or two of them were. It isn't about their sex but their fondness and respect.

After seeing The Avengers, I walked out of the theater wanting to shove everyone in a pot and make them sizzle. Then throw in people from other movies because while I understood (and was saddened by) the lack of Bucky, the lack of Rhodey with no explanation confused me. And I miss Peggy and Sif like whoa.

(Is it weird that I find most of the Asgardians adorable?)

I read the fill you linked Mildly to and it was gorgeous. I'm rather like Loki in the bonus fill in that the idea of someone else in my head is highly disturbing but I love the understanding and closeness that came from that vulnerability. It was beautiful because, yes, there's been a lot of horrible stuff in their lives, but there's been wonderful moments too and they get to share them. I especially loved Clint's fireflies and Loki snorting in Sif's hair.

I think I found Perspective because I'm constantly searching AO3 for Steve/Bruce/Tony stuff. Or Steve/Bruce stuff. Or Bruce with just about anyone in plausible, not non-con ways. Your verse is my absolute favorite of this threesome though. Your writing is beautiful and thoughtful without confusing me and as much as I'd happily read about them having sex (that Bruce/Steve scene last chapter was so very hot until the very end) I'm absolutely in love with reading them just feeling and learning. You do what I complain that a lot of my mom's romance novelists don't: flesh the characters out and actually show the audience why the relationship is something we should care about aside from eventual sexytimes.

Thank you so much for the things you write. They're such wonderful, moving pieces.


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense silverlace_vine August 19 2012, 00:19:02 UTC
I have such a hard time wtih Loki. Not because I don't think I get him enough to write him, but because I have a hard time glossing over his eventual fate (ie, the venom in the eyes forevs thing). I think Movie!Loki's fate could be different, but I have a headcanon on that and I haven't been able to shake it yet.

Bucky, too. I'm so scared of writing him on account of Winter Soldier being a thing and not coming out for like A BOJILLION YEARS, and if I write something it'll just get undermined by the movie canon.

Rhodey is also hard because he's with the Army and the Army are kind of the bad guys, most of the time. As he says in the first one, "The less I know, the better". It's probably best not to tell him about the secret shadow government that protects the world and is willing to launch nukes at Manhattan and stuff. Either that or you can't have Don Cheadle and Samuel Jackson in the same movie. Can't fit that much total effin' awesome in one film. (More likely answer: racism)

And no, it's not at all weird to find the Asgardians adorable. I'm actually a HUGE fan of Team Asgard (I have a headcanon regarding Balder that does NOT AT ALL mesh with Marvel canon) and I wish I had more to write about them.

I do have a fic I want to write where Odin decides "Okay well, the jig's up, we need to maybe put some precautions in place to keep the Midgardians from accidentally stumbling on all our shit because that ends bad every time" and then makes a deal with Hel, and then sends a Valkyrie to collect Earth's Mightiest Heroes so that a handful of Midgardians get to wander around the land of the dead for awhile and then when they go home, HARDCORE BANS ANY LIVING PERSON FROM EVER GOING AGAIN because you just know some humans will fuck around and get in there by accident somehow and that won't end well. Feels ensue.

(Also regarding ot3's? Maria/Howard/Anton. That's all I gotta say.)

The Perspective-verse is special to me because it literally WOULD NOT STOP itself, until it finally did. I can't speak to the quality of my writing because, well, I wrote it, of course I think it's brilliant (I'm still patting myself on the back over how clever Contractual Obligations was, because I'm a goddamn egofuckingmaniac), but Perspective really kind of wrote itself. I'm not even sure how much credit I can take for it. It all flowed so naturally in my mind I wasn't really thinking about whether I was communicating properly to the reader, or even what or if I was communicating at all. It doesn't happen often, I don't even know if I can call it inspiration, but every once in a great while I'll have something just fall out like that. I didn't plan a single word of that fic.

Bruce/Steve/Tony is just wonderful in my mind. At least as far as my muse is concerned, their relationship can't just jump into anything sexual (not just because of the Hulk, but that is kind of the most obvious obstacle) and I think that's why I didn't end Perspective with a sex scene like I assumed I was building up to. It just didn't work out that way; the story was over but they needed more time and they weren't going to compromise it just for the sake of a sex scene. It felt like my Tony!Muse was giving me the finger, like "Nope, fuck off, not ready, and if I'm not ready, they're not ready. Go get a Pop-Tart, Chuckles."

I haven't read very many fics on that ship (Although I'll be honest I'm a sucker for ot3's in general; Tony/Bucky/Steve, hell to the yes, listedheart's singing in the old bars made me a believer) so I'm not sure that there's enough of them to codify Steve/Tony/Bruce tropes as a thing. It's my hope that one day there will be enough of them to actually discuss. :D


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense abysmal_seraph August 19 2012, 13:58:16 UTC
Loki really is hard unless he's one extreme or the other. I want to see him punished and done so properly because what he did was bad and poor poor Clint. But I can also see how most people aren't going to say no to Thanos and torturing a guy for eternity when you know damn well he's eventually going to get out sounds like a great way to make him more inclined to kill lots of people. Getting the right balance in punishment and portraying him as complex rather than either completely not at fault or mustache-twirling from birth is hard.

As for Bucky, write him anyway. Either you'll come out with something better than the movie or the movie will have an equally good but different take. The only way the Winter Soldier Bucky will be better than what you write is if he ends up making out with Steve or the Falcon, at which point, I will be so loudly weeping in joy in the theater that my little bro will have to drag me outside.

But how am I supposed to get more canon 'proof' for me shipping Rhodey/Tony if Rhodey doesn't even get mentioned? Though the sheer amount of awesomeness he and Fury would give off might blind us all with the amazingness of PoC badasses. Seriously, next Avengers movies, I want more PoCs and more women. It would be beautiful.

I can't really get behind the shadowy council because they wanted to blame the whole Abomination thing on Bruce and wanted Emil Blonsky, the war hero according to them but also the guy tearing down city blocks with full reasoning skills, on the Avengers Initiative. Now I'm actually strangely fond of Blonsky's sadistic ass (Tim Roth fan all the way) but that's a bad idea. And then there's their decisions to nuke Manhattan to stop an alien army from coming out A HOLE IN THE FREAKING SKY. Sure the bomb might destroy the device powering the portal. Or, you know, it kills a bunch of people, including what might just be the world's first and last line of defense, and the device is still there because they're dealing with alien technology beyond their understanding.

The Asgardians are the cutest things ever! Part of what made me finally watch Thor is the gif of the Warriors Three and Sif finding Thor. They looked like happy little kids and I wanted to snuggle them all.

I'm side eyeing Odin if he left the Tesseract on Earth. One, I suspect it's part of the set of glowy bling for the Infinity Gauntlets. Two, even if it's not, how did he not see this ending badly?

(Part of me wants Maria/Howard/Nick Fury because of reasons. Other parts of me say Coulson would kick my ass for putting Fury with someone other than him. And I'm not even sure I want to think about Fury and sex)

I don't get the free-flowing ficness. I tend to overthink every word I write as I go. It's especially a problem when thinking about filling prompts because I usually end up fighting instincts. I naturally want to turn most things into polyfic if it isn't already and I nitpick to death details and logic that don't make sense to me so I'm afraid of killing the prompter's fun.

Bruce/Steve/Tony works out beautifully because of similarities and balance. With Bruce and Steve or Bruce and Tony is most obvious but I bet if Tony and Steve sat down and discussed the men that shaped them most into what they are now (Erksine and Yinsen) they'd find they have a lot more in common than they originally thought. And the combined force of Bruce and Steve could keep the worst of Tony's self destructive behavior in line while Tony and Steve could team up to make Bruce feel safe and needed. Bruce and Tony could help Steve feel grounded and part of the modern age through Tony's stubbornness and Bruce's gentle understanding.

I don't read much Bruce/Tony and even less Steve/Tony (yeah, I'm weird) but I do love the idea of Science Boyfriends a lot and I devour Bruce/Steve so it only seemed natural to look up stuff with the three of them together. Especially with a name like Stark Spangled Banner.


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense silverlace_vine August 20 2012, 03:17:27 UTC
My headcanon on Loki is that he can't really come and be any kind of pleasant until one of two things happens:

a) The Avengers figure out that he was being coerced, and his whole "enslave Earth" thing was really just him making the best of a really shitty situation and trying to play things to his advantage, which is kind of what he does best, and Loki openly recognizing that whether out of madness or just overwhelming personal hurt, he hasn't been right in the head for a really long time and needs to work on that, or he'll have the same fate that all his other selves have had, and that doesn't end well for him. I like to think that, with Bruce and Tony as examples, Loki could find himself realizing that he could do really well on Midgard because humans prize intelligence, cunning, and physical strength roughly equally, just in different arenas, and could do very well as a mortal the same way Thor did, just more completely. Or...

b) He gets properly punished, sealed under Yggdrasil and has poison dripped into his eyes until doomsday, but by then he has access to time travel, and has been sitting there thinking about what he's done so long that he has nothing to do BUT revisit his memories over and over, and either realize that he misunderstood, or that his memories were altered by the Other in order to make him more complacent (which is what I believe actually happened, because he lies about being 'thrown' into the Abyss-- but only to Thor, who was there, and would never believe him; Loki must know that, so he must not have been lying about it at all. And what better way to make sure Loki doesn't just tell his loving, older brother that he's being coerced than to undermine his already-shaky belief that Thor would even bother to help him if he did?)

Loki makes this amazing boy-who-cried-wolf story on his own, read a certain way.

I also don't know a lot about the Winter Soldier, though the internet could change that. Hm. Maybe if I get bitten by a hard enough plotbunny?

Do you NEED more proof for Tony/Rhodey? The "next time you ride with me" scene, with the hugging and the crying and the helping-him-off-the-plane. God why I haven't I written that fic yet?

Man, fuck the WSC, they don't know shit. Fury electing to ignore their stupid-ass decision was the crowning moment of his leadership, so far as I'm concerned. Then again, it might have been obfuscation, I don't think anybody could have found a way to make, "Give Tony Stark a nuke so he can fly into the Chitauri's asshole with it, because seriously he's the biggest pain in our necks, we will not miss him if he bites it" sound palatable.

I loved that scene. Occasionally I'll put on the DVD just to watch it. (and the ANOTHER! scene, because weeeeee)

As to Odin, that motherfucker knows how this whole movie series ends, he's just setting shit up for us. Dropping the Tesseract was just his way of making sure that all the Avengers end up together in time to cover his ass for his shitty, shitty parenting. (Alternately, he has a ship he's aiming for and has been slowly cultivating it across several centuries)

It's been my experience that kink prompters are happy with anything. It's better to write your vision of a thing, even if it doesn't exactly fit the criteria, than to try to alter it to fit someone else's vision of the same thing. There's lots of different ways to interpret the same kink. The individual author's touch isn't just a nice twist on a prompt, it's an absolute necessity for that prompt to be any good. There's something to be said for being able to just write "slice of life" things, where the assumption is that x has already happened to make this scenario plausible, but don't be afraid of killing the prompter's fun: the more effort you put into it, the better it'll be, and no one can complain about that.

I could go on and on about Steve/Bruce/Tony, but I think you've nailed all my major bulletpoints. XD And they do have the best ship name.


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense abysmal_seraph August 20 2012, 06:33:13 UTC
I'd really really prefer Option A myself. I think he would have done very well if he'd been banished along with Thor or just...whenever. Once he got over the whole Damnit, Dad! moment and realized with a little work, he could finally become Head Badass In Charge of something and be freaking loved for it. Hell, he'd just need to watch Tony be Tony for a video to realize how awesome he could be to the masses.

I don't know much about the Winter Soldier either aside from stuff I've picked up from prompts and cartoons and very little comic knowledge. The only Marvel comics I ever followed faithfully were the ones involving mutants. Mostly for a glimpse of Gambit. *fans self*

Everything about those movies screams Rhodey loves Tony to death but he gets so damn annoyed sometimes. The scenes where Tony's found and they're leaving the plane are gorgeous and I just want more of that because, frustration or not, that's how much they care for each other. Enough to cry and to hug and to walk off a plane holding hands looking like a strong couple, heads held high, ready to take on the world at each other's side.

Besides, I'm amazingly amused by how Rhodey's focus seems fixed on Tony even when beautiful, dancing women are around. (I might have gotten a Rhodey is demisexual bunny while reading Perspective but I'm scared of screwing that up)

Fury needs more love. And I could totally see people try to get rid of Tony. He's more dangerous than most people give him credit for.

Oh god, the Another scene! I just wanted to pet Thor and his confusion afterwards. Then again, I'm enough of a ancient culture enthusiast to know he didn't mean anything bad by it.

Odin and his half-answers and cryptic-answers annoy me. The only reason I can't seriously hate him for his crap is cuz Thor gets the other Avengers (in any capacity) out of it and Jane and Selvig and Darcy (though I find Jane the least compelling love interest of the MCU)

Well, adding the details and dissecting the logic is probably fine but the pairing stuff not so much for a fill. Like, I'm trying to fill this Steve/Bruce D/s universe prompt and following my logic on that will probably be fine (i.e. there's gotta be switches and people that just aren't seriously or at all interested in D/s and there's role-fluidity etc) But I'm less that 2000 words in and already have to repeat to myself 'not a polyfic' over and over again because Clint showed up and the feels have started. I think this is probably why attempted prompt fills become plot bunnies inspired by the prompt but broke free and joyously ran screaming into the night somewhere along the way.

I'm bizarrely fond of the ship names involving Asgardians. ThunderFrost and FrostIron amuse me, probably because the RPG player in me starts thinking of magic moves and weapons. I think Bruce/Thor (yes pleasssse) are called ThunderScience or maybe that's what one person called it.


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense silverlace_vine August 20 2012, 13:04:00 UTC
Loki's problems run pretty deeply (understatement). I think a lot of his problems started WAY before the Frost Giant thing got dropped on him. It seemed to me like he never felt like he really fit in, being a kind of willowy, brainy, cunning magician whose virtues just weren't valued in Asgardian culture quite so much as the more rough-and-tumble types he hung out with, not to mention the Warriors Three are really Thor's friends, not his own. Maybe not bullied, but passively maligned, and then when he finds out that he's a frost giant he just instantly latches onto that as an explanation, 'Of course they never liked me, I'm a MONSTER, well. I'll fix THAT, I'll kill all the Frost Giants and then when they're all gone that'll PROVE I'm a son of Odin', except he sort of got it wrong and acted like a huge dick.

Unless you go with the "Loki was just out to make Thor a good king, he just also happens to be a slave to his shitty personality" theory, which I also kind of like.

I'm gonna skip the rest because uh. I pretty much agree with you on all that. XD Good job!

As to the Steve/Bruce D/s universe, what's your universe looking like? If you've got the urge to make it poly, I say go ahead and throw Clint in there, unless there's rules about it from the prompter. My go-to excuse for ANYONE in a poly relationship with Bruce is that it takes more than one person to handle Bruce, for any number of reasons.


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense abysmal_seraph August 20 2012, 19:06:38 UTC
I definitely believe he was maligned and used his Frost Giant-ness as reasoning for that. We're given the impression that he and Thor are actually pretty young (or maybe that's just what I got from it), not children but not far from it either. When jerks start hating on a person from a young age, it can take a long time for that person to realize that it really isn't because there's a problem with them but a problem with the people harassing them. Unless the person in question is like a sociopath or horrible to everyone they meet from the very start.

Loki latched on to that as the reason for the dislike and went about fixing it in the most messed up way possible to show where his loyalties lay (and I still refuse to believe the Asgardians are displeased with him trying to kill the Frost Giants. Fucking up the Bifrost, sure, but not the Frost Giants) but acted like a huge douche along the way (Loki, no. No, Loki. Stop making Thor cry. He actually loves you.)

It's this prompt which feels pretty specifically Bruce/Steve. If it ends up poly, I'll just shrug and put it on AO3 and say the prompt inspired it but not link it in the prompt's comments as a fill.

At the moment, it's looking like Steve and Clint are brothers in PTSD and Bruce has wandered off to parts unknown (by people who aren't S.H.I.E.L.D.) and no one else has made an appearance yet. And I guess my biggest huff isn't that I'd go off prompt if it ends up being more than just Steve and Bruce but that Steve only has one set of dogtags to give to someone else (I might have a nonsexual thing for people wearing loved one's dogtags)


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense silverlace_vine August 21 2012, 01:37:54 UTC
Oh man. What an awesome prompt. :O

It does feel pretty specifically Bruce/Steve, but having Clint as a major supporter sounds like a pretty good idea, imho, even if there weren't a poly vibe.

Sounds to me like they're also shooting for a D/s-verse, though; is that how it's going for you?


Re: I'm tired so this might not make much sense abysmal_seraph August 21 2012, 02:00:46 UTC
That prompt is absolute love, really.

Steve needs all the support he can get. Hell, the whole team does. I just have to keep them as awesome, maybe snuggly friends once Steve stops freaking out over making new attachments.

Yep, writing a D/s verse. I like the idea of them, because I like seeing what the world would be like with some very key changes. I just don't like the way they're usually executed. Mine's probably going to be full of mostly subtle world changes and more than just doms and subs existing. Hopefully that'll be okay, heh.


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