Yesterday I finally saw what I've been wanting to see for a long while now: 130lbs on the scale. And yes, to be fair, it was 130.6lbs, and today I'm down to 130.4lbs despite eating McDonald's yesterday (though I TOTALLY PWNED MCDONALD'S yesterday. I got a meal for $4.05 and 450 calories--score). If this keeps up, even if I only lose .2lbs everyday
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Comments 6
And pen pals are AWESOME. They've helped me improve my written Japanese SO MUCH just because I constantly have to practice it. And it's helping me to get over the INSTANT FEAR I feel when I'm confronted with a native speaker. I highly recommend it. There are loads of sites out there to connect with people. Plus, they want to learn English like woah, so it's a win-win. =D
There's so much Kanji to learn! I'm much better at learning the words than writing them! It's currently really scary to me, and while in almost every other setting I prefer to learn on my own, I probably will take classes at my uni in the future to learn it. :)
And maybe it's because I'm an English B.A., but I never find grammar mistakes "charming." Sometimes funny or maybe rather interesting, but I'm always willing to correct people if they want to be corrected. If it makes you feel any better, it's actually difficult to find Japanese people who are really willing to correct YOU as well. It goes against their cultural nature (though, obviously, people do think for themselves). So, you'll just keep making the same mistake over and over until finally someone says, "Oh...yeah, you're not supposed to say it that way. That's wrong." =/
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