Drabble-Keeping Score

Mar 07, 2011 22:37

Title: Keeping Score
Fandom: Law and Order
Rating: PG
Characters: Rodgers, Briscoe and Logan
Disclaimer: not mine
A/N: Written for the 'set' challenge at lawandorder100


“Repeated blunt force trauma to the head,” Rodgers explained “Plus these marks on the lower back would have done severe damage to the kidneys.”

Briscoe peered at the small round marks on the victim’s back, “What caused them?”

“Won’t know until I get him back to the lab.” She replied.

“Hey Lennie, come check this out.” Logan called from the other side of the crime scene. “Can we get some photos of this?” he said to a passing tech.

Logan was looking down into some shrubbery at a tennis racket. “Our murder weapon?” he questioned.

“Game, set, match.” Briscoe observed.

law and order, fic

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