SPN Reverse Big Bang Art post: Brought Back to the Surface

Nov 20, 2017 17:10

Welcome back to another Reverse Big Bang Masterpost!

For those who aren't fans of LJ there's also a Tumblr masterpost for your viewing pleasure!

And now! It's time to give Sam back his long lost shoe!

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reverse big bang 2018, supernatural, deancas

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Comments 4

amberdreams November 20 2017, 17:01:10 UTC
Ha ha the super dramatic Behold The Shoe picture is so much fun! i really love your prompt picture - it was one of my fave submissions this year. I hadn't noticed the pink diluted blood from Dean's machete before, got to love that attention to detail. Gorgeous!


red_b_rackham November 20 2017, 18:06:28 UTC
THE SHOE!! XD This is sop great. I absolutely love the range of expressions in the picture with the three of them, and the rain is drawn so perfectly. BEAUTIFUL style!! <3


beelikej November 20 2017, 21:28:59 UTC
I LOVE THIS IDEA! I remember seeing your prompt at the claims and I immediately loved it:) Your drawings are wonderful and the point of view of the main scene is perfect. Gosh, that bloody knife looks great dripping in the poodle of water. AND THEIR FACES; every one of their expressions is GOLD. I also adore their blushy cheeks:) What an awesome artset <3


tsuki_no_bara November 22 2017, 05:10:12 UTC
the boys' faces in the pic with castiel and the shoe are so cute. castiel is likewise adorable. it's just cuteness all around! and the title banner is so dramatic and fabulous.


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