SPN Reverse Big Bang Art post: Brought Back to the Surface

Nov 20, 2017 17:10

Welcome back to another Reverse Big Bang Masterpost!

For those who aren't fans of LJ there's also a Tumblr masterpost for your viewing pleasure!

And now! It's time to give Sam back his long lost shoe!

Brought Back to the Surface written by Superhoney

Two years after Sam lost a shoe in Black Rock, he and Dean are back in town on what's meant to be a routine vampire hunt. They've just finished cleaning up when a voice interrupts them and offers Sam back the shoe in question, and that's how they meet Castiel: eccentric loner, collector of lost objects, and oh, shapeshifter. He's polite, charming, and he makes Dean reconsider everything he's ever thought about monsters and what to do with them.

Artwork! ♥

This is the main picture that I submitted to the Reverse Bang for claims. I know I absolutey wanted to do something with Sam's shoe. I don't even know what! I first thought about some silly Cinderella AU, but then I let my mind wander a bit more. Until it finally reached the conclusion that Sam's shoe landed in the gutter and that SPN monsters often live in the sewer systems. And behold! This picture was born! ;D

Here are some detailed views:

(Dean is NOT impressed)

And here's some additional art as well, to add a bit of fluff! ♥

The cover was also super fun to make because it's just over the top pseudo dramatic for an old, dirty shoe! ;D

And now that you've seen the art, head over to AO3 and read the story! ♥

reverse big bang 2018, supernatural, deancas

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