SPN Reverse Big Bang Art post: See How We Are

Mar 01, 2017 19:13

I'm happy to be able to share my second Reverse Big Bang this year!

Terrible Life verse, as well as Omegaverse are weak spots of mine, so I was happy to combine both in the picture prompt! I was able to work with karaadora for this project! ♥

See How We Are


It's A Terrible Life AU with some a/b/o thrown in.


“Dean Smith,” he says, meeting Castiel’s eyes as he moves the mouse on his desk to wake up his screen and squint at the details of Castiel’s meeting. “You’re here for, oh, the building down on 7th? You took it over?”

“I did,” Castiel says, drawing a file out of his briefcase. “Well, my company did.”

“Your company?”

Castiel looks at Dean, his gaze steely. “You think because I’m an omega I can’t have a company?”


“Because if that is how you think, Mr Smith, I can find another place to do business with.”

Read the Fic on AO3!
Alpha Dean Smith and Omega Castiel Novak, what a great couple! ;D

Castiel likes to keep his eye on everything (and also maybe get the chance to see Dean).

The two take any chance they get to spend time together~ Doesn't that office scream "alpha colour scheme, kinda retro" to you?

This was the original picture prompt! ♥♥

Here are some alternative versions:

Another cover version with Dean's scribbles~

And the cover without text

I hope you enjoyed the art! ♥♥ And now on to the fic! ;D

supernatural, reverse big bang 2017, alphadean, omegacas, deancas

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