2023, a summary

Dec 31, 2023 02:26

Well, hello.

It's almost the end of the year, and I liked summarizing the year last year, so we're doing it again for 2023. :)

Last year I was heavily into Our Flag Means Death. The show got a second season this year, and I liked it fine, but I definitely didn't obsess about it as much as I did season 1. My obsession has now moved on Good Omens, as I mentioned in my previous post. I think a lot more people have heard about this show then they did OFMD, as it's an adaptation from the book Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett wrote together. The first season aired in 2019 and stars David Tennant and Michael Sheen as Crowley and Aziraphale. I loved the first season a lot, but after watching season 2 this year, the obsession took hold. In case someone hasn't heard of Good Omens, here are the trailers for season 1 and 2:

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So I've been rolling around in this fandom. There's a lot of art and fanfic, and I've gone back to reading fanfic almost daily. If people are interested I could post some recs. And there are so many amazing artists in this fandom too. Just... *chefs kiss*

In other, somewhat more personal fandom news... I had to say goodbye to a very good friend I made in the Spn fandom; kreespa. I think most people have heard about it, because went to so many conventions and posted a lot of video's. We found out in August that a melanoma Krista had, had spread, and she needed surgery and radiation to battle. But in September we heard that things were really bad and that she had only weeks left. And sadly, at the beginning of this month, she passed away. It's just so surreal that she's gone and that I'll never hang out with her again in Rome. If I hadn't already decided that I wasn't gonna do JIBcon again, I would have now. I don't think I can go there and not be a sobbing mess the whole con.

So uhm... fuck cancer.

Still drawing every sunday, so I actually created quite a bit this year. :D Most of it I post on my instagram or my art tumblr.
I was still pretty heavily into OFMD, so I made two more portraits of the characters of that show.
We are to be lighthouses for each other, remember? (Mary Bonnet, OFMD)
I never had anyone take interest in my form before (Fang, OFMD)

In February, JIBcon 11/ JIBland 5 were happening, so I arted a little bit for that.
Hands off the f*cking shield (Soldierboy, the Boys)
Shadow Moon (American Gods)

I slowly left the OFMD obsession behind me, and fell into a short obsession moment with the detective shows I love to watch. I started off with drawing my favorite sergeant from Midsomer Murders.
Down Man (Edward Teach, OFMD)
Jamie Winter Sketch Page (Midsomer Murders)

Gavin Troy sketch (Midsomer Murders)
Ben Jones Sketch (MM)
Midsomer Murders S24
Jimmy Perez sketch (Shetland)

Vera Sketch (Vera)
Joe Ashworth and Aiden Healy Sketch (Vera)

Around this time, I watched the new Trigun, Trigun Stampede, and loved it. I also started re-reading the manga, and I dabbled a bit in panel redraw sketch pages.
Vash the Stampede sketch (Trigun Stampede)
Panel redraw sketches Wolfwood and Vash (Trigun/ Trigun Stampede)
Chris Evans Portrait

Panel redraws Trigun Maximum 3
More panel redraws from Trigun Maximum 3
Panel redraws Trigun Maximum 4
More panel redraws from Trigun Maximum 4
Panel redraws Trigun Maximum 5
A Rip Through My Sail (Black Pete/ Lucius Spriggs, OFMD)

Watched Good Omens s2, fell in love, and had to draw the to ineffable idiots.
The Apology (Crowley and Aziraphale, Good Omens)

Crowley Sketch Page (Good Omens)

Name of the Game (Crowley, Good Omens)

Happy Holidays GO Style (Crowley and Aziraphale, Good Omens)
Are you sure, Angel? (Crowley and Aziraphale, Good Omens)

Started watching Doctor Who with my mom somewhere in september I think, and the itch to draw the tenth doctor finally won out.
Doomsday (tenth doctor, Doctor Who)
And I suppose... (tenth doctor, Doctor Who)

Currently I'm working on another Good Omens sketch page. We'll have to see if I manage to post it this year, or if it's gonna be the first for the new year. :')

Also kept up with my book reading, although I didn't read as much as I wanted to. We'll have to see if I can improve on that in the new year. Here's what I did read this year:

Sword of Destiny - Andrzej Sapkowski (the Witcher)
Red Bones - Ann Cleeves (Shetland)
Blue Lightning - Ann Cleeves (Shetland)
Dead Water - Ann Cleeves (Shetland)
Thin Air - Ann Cleeves (Shetland)
Wild Fire - Ann Cleeves (Shetland)
To Good to be True - Ann Cleeves (short story featuring Jimmy Perez from Shetland)
Currently reading: The Witcher: Blood of Elves - Andrzej Sapkowski

So uh... I basically made my way through all the Shetland books this year. :') I really enjoy Ann Cleeves way of writing, but I'm definitely ready to try some other stuff. Once I'm done with Blood of Elves, I either want to re-read Good Omens (I just got myself a very pretty version with illustrations), or start on Terry Pratchett's Guards! Guards! to finally dip my toes into the Discworld universe. :)

Sooo... this year was the year of Legend of Zela: Tears of the Kingdom. I must admit that most of my gaming time went into frolicking around in Hyrule. :') I mean...

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Look how pretty. I'm honestly still not done. Apart from the fact that I don't have much gaming time, I just really want to enjoy this game and not rush through it.

Other than Zelda I've been playing Pokemon. The Pokemon Violet/Scarlet DLC came out and I've been playing that. :)

Nothing changed much on this front. Still very busy and exhausting. :/

Oh, and I got a nice amount of Holiday cards! :D I wanted to thank dizzojay, hefreak, raloria, kalliel, aprilmay430, darktwinkle, casey28quantrail, bflyw, supernutjapan and isabelgou for their lovely cards. <3

Hope all of you have a wonderful end of the year, and here's for an amazing 2024!

our flag means death, midsomer murders, games, books, portrait drawings, fanart, personal, christmas, fandom, good omens, david tennant, pictures, holiday cards, drawings, new year, anime, tv shows, chris evans, sketches, manga

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