There were going to be polls and stuff but then some things changed so now it's just one question; Saturday the 17th of May, b-day party at my place, coming y/n? Just send me a mail or reply here or on FB or Pm me there or... you know, just lemme know :3
Gentlepeople, this year's holiday card is a bit of a DIY project! The card is at Simply print on full A4, fold twice, glue if you're feeling ambitious and enjoy your tiny hyena and tree :3
In between Animecon, other people's birthdays and things I'm probably forgetting about right now it's unlikely that I'll hold my birthday party in May itself. Exact date to be announced, probably in June. *rolls back to RL*
So, last sunday I was over at sbslink's place for a mini doll meet, which of course means photos. Sadly the light was not loving my camera, soo only a handful came out anywhere near okay :s
Even een oproep aan alle marktplaats/speurders/eBay gebruikers! Bij de inbraak bij m'n ouders thuis vorige week zijn enkele sierraden gestolen van mijn wijlen oma. Omdat deze antiek zijn is de kans groot dat ze intact meer waard zijn dan omgesmolten, en mogelijk nog op de markt opduiken. Als je toevallig op de antiek/sierraden afdelingen van
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