Snail Mail Meme

Jan 08, 2018 18:00

So I've done this a few times before and really liked it, so I'm pulling this out again. I'm going to give myself some more time though...

Do you want to receive a letter via snail-mail? Comment to this post with up to 5 subjects/ questions (fandom/real life, doesn’t matter) you want me to write about. Comments are not screened so if I don't have your snail mail address yet, you can either PM it to me, or send me an email at sillie82 [at] gmail [dot] com. Somewhere along the year, I'll send you a handwritten letter about the subjects you gave me/ answers to the questions you gave me. This is open to anyone on my flist, no matter where you're from. I don't mind sending mail over seas. Also, you don't have to send anything back if you don't want to (although I would love it).

And go!

mail, lj friends, meme

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