Snail Mail Meme

Jan 08, 2018 18:00

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mail, lj friends, meme

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Comments 16

amberdreams January 8 2018, 23:17:00 UTC
Ponders subjects.... ok how about:
1. Your favourite story about things that have happened at work
2. What's the book you've read the most often and why is it so good?
3. What do you find are your most relaxing past times outside of fannish things?
4. Tell me about your family - do you have a fave funny story about someone?


sillie82 January 17 2018, 15:48:59 UTC
Oooh, good questions. I'll have to think those over thoroughly.


milly_gal January 12 2018, 15:17:53 UTC
Oh, lovely, I adore getting snail mail, you know I have me a fandom scrapbook :D

I did miss this, sorry bb, it was during my lack of interwebs! ♥

1. Favourite book and why.
2. Most comforting food you like to eat/cook for yourself.
3. How you got into being a creative crafty type person.
4. Where you still desperately want to visit in the world, and why?
5. If you could be any person in the world for a day, who and why?


sillie82 January 17 2018, 15:49:40 UTC
:D That's ok bb, loads of people missed this post I think.

Nice questions! Will give these a good ponder!


milly_gal January 18 2018, 10:35:32 UTC
Yay, thanks hun, I look forward to getting the replies :D


sillie82 January 18 2018, 22:43:58 UTC
:D :D


meus_venator January 12 2018, 21:14:46 UTC
Oh, cool! Okay, I'll give it a whirl

1. When did you discover your love of drawing?
2. Was SPN your first fandom?
3. Do you have a fav SPN character, or do you love them all?
4. What mediums do you like to draw in best?
5. Do you find as the show changes and the boys get older your art changes?


sillie82 January 17 2018, 15:50:08 UTC

Very nice questions. :D


reapertownusa January 13 2018, 00:48:49 UTC
So awesome! I love snail-mail! Let's see...

1) What made you first fall in love with Supernatural?
2) Anything animal-related--a pet story, favorite wild animal, etc.
3) Something unique about or that you particularly love about your country
4) What is your favorite smell?
5) Favorite food or strangest thing you've ever eaten/drank

I think you may already have my address, but I'll send it your way just in case.


sillie82 January 17 2018, 15:50:44 UTC
Snailmail is awesome. :D

Great questions. Thanks!


supernutjapan January 13 2018, 12:02:06 UTC
Yes, please. As for content... maybe just a day in your life? What you did, what you thought about as you ate or washed the dishes or went for a walk, some little anecdote from your work, how you felt, what little things you noticed... I'll try and do the same for you. ;) If one thing takes up a lot of space, then concentrating on one thing is fine too.


sillie82 January 17 2018, 15:51:05 UTC

Ooh, all good subjects. Thanks. :D


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