Still here... kind of.

Apr 23, 2017 23:15

Looks like when I don't have a meme to post, I don't have a lot to post about. :') Another reason is that work is keeping me really busy, and I when I get home I just have no energy left to do much of anything. Sometimes not even enough to open my laptop and sit behind it to read. Just letting you all know I'm still here, reading, but I might not ( Read more... )

about me, fandom

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Comments 15

beelikej April 24 2017, 23:03:37 UTC
Huh, I didn't know there were no proxies in the BB. But remember how I thought I missed out last year after failed claiming and then I got the most fitting pinch hit ever? All is not lost yet! I'll keep everything crossed for you! *hugs*


sillie82 May 7 2017, 00:36:27 UTC
Yeah, I didn't know that either. Ah well, I'll see what's left once I get home, and otherwise hope on something nice as a pinch hit. :)


hefreak May 1 2017, 11:39:24 UTC

Aww, I hope you can make it!!


sillie82 May 7 2017, 00:36:51 UTC
I hope so too. Thanks. :)


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