Still here... kind of.

Apr 23, 2017 23:15

Looks like when I don't have a meme to post, I don't have a lot to post about. :') Another reason is that work is keeping me really busy, and I when I get home I just have no energy left to do much of anything. Sometimes not even enough to open my laptop and sit behind it to read. Just letting you all know I'm still here, reading, but I might not always have the energy to leave a comment on everything.

Another thing... this might be the first time in years I might not be able to play at the spn_j2_bigbang. :/ Claiming starts on a Friday this year, and I'm working that day. Also, proxies are not allowed, so I'll have to do it myself when I get home, and the chance that there's fic left that I can actually art for is small, I fear. Over the years of reading fic/ arting for fic, I've come across more and more things I just can't art for, and the last few years it seems like most writers are writing exactly those things, so my list of possible fics to art for is always pretty small. Of course this is all down on me and my brain being very picky, but the thought of not participating is making me really sad. :( If I can't claim anything I guess I'll just sign up as a pinch hitter and hope something will come my way that way...

about me, fandom

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