30 day meme challenge - Day 29 and 30

Apr 16, 2017 02:56

Day 29 - Picture of yourself

Day 30 - Anything you want to post about.

Nothing much to say, but I took some pictures with my phone the last few weeks that I want to share with you all. :)

I think I mentioned that beelikej had sent me a package before my surgery. Here's a picture of what was in the package:

Some new shoes I bought for summer:

I picture I took in the Recovery room after my tonsil surgery:

Here's a picture of the book that was in the second package beelikej sent me. It's a book full of patterns on how to crochet monsters:

This was a few days after the surgery. My hand didn't like the IV:

My cat Boris:

My mom's dog Misha being a derp:

Some roses my mom got for her birthday:

Some pictures I took near my work:

I finally got a Switch! \o/

This game is so pretty... T____T

Spring has finally sprung. These are some small trees near the trainstation:

Day 26,27 and 28

Alright, all done! This meme was fun, I hope ya'll enjoyed reading it. :D

pictures, meme, about me

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