Ratties!! :D

Oct 25, 2016 17:00

Here we go, as promised, lots of pictures of the little ratties. They're still a bit skittish, but also curious as hell. They're also growing like weeds. They all grew almost 40 grams in a week! Anyway, hope ya'll enjoy the pictures!

Ratties behind the cut )

youtube, photo's, pictures, ratties, animals, picspam, rats

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Comments 23

supernutjapan October 25 2016, 15:34:28 UTC
They are so cute!! Love the video, and the music you put it too <3<3


sillie82 November 26 2016, 01:40:37 UTC
Aren't they just? Thanks. :D


spnreversemod October 25 2016, 15:42:59 UTC
Oh wow! I thought you were only getting the pair, you've got four! That's nice for them though, they can all play together... Are you going to breed them or are they all male? I've never really known anyone who kept rats, do they like being handled and stroked?


sillie82 November 26 2016, 01:44:57 UTC
Well, I've got two. The other two are my moms. But they're all in the same cage. :) They're all male, so no breeding. Right now they're still a bit skittisch, but they do like the attention and getting petted eventually. :)


somer October 25 2016, 17:21:45 UTC
OKAY! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! But they're ridiculously cute :D


sillie82 November 26 2016, 01:50:43 UTC
Can't believe what? They def. are. :D


hugemind October 25 2016, 19:47:15 UTC
They are adorable! :D Do you change everything around when you clean the cage? They look like they've gotten something new to play with. :)


sillie82 November 26 2016, 01:53:06 UTC
They areee! Yeah, I try to chance at least a few things every time. :)


hefreak October 25 2016, 23:59:45 UTC
Ahhh, a post of cute!! ♥

Poor little Misha! I hope he heals quickly. What was his surgery for?

The ratties look so happy and adorbs. What is the music you used for the video? It fits it perfectly!


sillie82 November 26 2016, 01:56:45 UTC
:D :D

He had a tumor on his spleen, so they took it out. He's all recovered now. :)

The music is "Life of Riley". It's made my Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). It's great, right? :D


hefreak November 30 2016, 02:39:06 UTC
Oh, I'm glad he's okay!

Yes, the music is great! 🙂


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