Ratties!! :D

Oct 25, 2016 17:00

Here we go, as promised, lots of pictures of the little ratties. They're still a bit skittish, but also curious as hell. They're also growing like weeds. They all grew almost 40 grams in a week! Anyway, hope ya'll enjoy the pictures!

You know, why sleep in a comfy hammock when you can sleep in a pile?

Kili and Fili in one of the hammocks.

Fili trying to escape! (Not really, but curious they are!)


Wacha doin'?

Little acrobat.

Little Arie.

Nomming down on some food.



Nooo, they're not curious at all...

Little Tom.


You know, this is so comfy. Piled up behind the toilet. >__>;

Someone's annoyed they're not allowed close to the ratcage.

So Misha just had surgery, and now he's wearing this little 'suit' to prevent him from touching/ scratching/ licking the wound. He's not a happy camper. :')

Draw me like one of your Frech dogs.

I've also got a video for y'all! This is the ratties after I just finished cleaning the cage, so there's lots to explore. :D

image Click to view

Hope you enjoyed!

youtube, photo's, pictures, ratties, animals, picspam, rats

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