JIBcon 7, the first post of many

May 28, 2016 23:59

Heeeeey! Arrived home yesterday from an awesome week with great company, and crashed hard. XD Feeling the post con blues hard, but going through my pictures and video's helps a little. So here's the first post of many that will follow in the coming few weeks ( Read more... )

sam winchester, supernatural, photo's, fanart: supernatural, drawings, jus in bello convention, art, dean winchester, tea

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Comments 27

supernutjapan May 29 2016, 04:26:59 UTC
That is all amazing!!! I LOVE that drawing of Jared you did for last time. WOW. The autograph drawings are all amazing and it's obvious everyone would love them<3 YAY for your hugs! Those pics are so beautiful. Love your hair in the Jensen/Jared shots. So shiny<3

Yay for more tea and lollipops! You don't get grape?? I used to miss cherry flavor growing up in Japan. It's always about strawberry over here. But now there's a costco I get cherry lollies for my English kids :)


sillie82 May 30 2016, 10:44:08 UTC
Thanks bb. :)

No, for some reason that flavor isn't really a thing over here? I'm always looking for it but I've only found one brand that sells them, but it's a rare brand to find. :/ We do have cherry flavor over here though.


milly_gal May 29 2016, 07:08:21 UTC
How freaking amazing honey, it looks like you had an epic time and the guests really loved their pictures! What an amazing thing, to see them being impressed by your skills :DDD

Enjoy the tea and lollipops bb! :D

You look positively RADIANT in those photo ops, they're all fabulous!


sillie82 May 30 2016, 10:47:29 UTC
It was amazing. I'm suffering from post Con blues so hard right now. I feel completely out of whack but I wouldn't miss this week of hanging out with friends and seeing the cast for anything.

Thanks! :D

Haha, thank you. I usually don't like the way I look in pictures, but these aren't to bad. :)


somer May 29 2016, 09:11:34 UTC
Your photo OPs are so damn AWESOME!!!! ALL THE HUGS :D And I'm glad you got all your autos ON YOUR FUCKING PERFECT DRAWINGS :D!!!

Glad you had fun!


sillie82 May 30 2016, 10:48:56 UTC
Haha, thank you bb! :D


katwoman76 May 29 2016, 10:57:01 UTC
And don't you agree now? Jared really does give great hugs, right. <3


sillie82 May 30 2016, 10:49:22 UTC
Haha, yes, he does give great hugs. :D


big_heart_june May 29 2016, 11:17:45 UTC
Oh WOW! GORGEOUS ART AND GORGEOUS PICS! YOU and the boys look AMAZING ♥ soo happpppy for you ♥


sillie82 May 30 2016, 10:50:29 UTC
Aww, thank you bb! <3<3


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