JIBcon 7, the first post of many

May 28, 2016 23:59

Heeeeey! Arrived home yesterday from an awesome week with great company, and crashed hard. XD Feeling the post con blues hard, but going through my pictures and video's helps a little. So here's the first post of many that will follow in the coming few weeks.

My passes for JIBcon and JIBland. One of the fans attending JIBcon made the keycord and provided one for everyone. How awesome is that?

My roommate Krista had brought me a load of grape flavored lollypops, as you can't really get that flavor over here:

My other roommate bflyw brought me tea, as did amberdreams. So much tea to try out, and so many teabags/ wrappers I don't have in my collection yet. <3<3

Next, the autographs:

First my JIBcon autographs. I can't really remember exactly what everyone said, but they all loved the drawings I did, so that was great. :3

(click to see bigger)

And my JIBland autographs. I had Jared sign the drawing I made last year for JIBcon, when he had to cancel at the last moment, so I had him sign it now. He called it bad ass, so that was pretty awesome. Graham was also very appreciative of the drawing I did. I sadly didn't have time to draw anything for the other guests, but it was nice to have a little moment with the guests. :)

And here are my photo-ops:

For JIBcon I'd gotten myself a Jensen and a J2 photo op. I really wanted to go for a hug this time, but I was very nervous about asking for one. But my wonderful roommate Krista offered to go with me for mental support, and was also so kind to step up to Jensen first as she is not nervous about talking to him at all (he knows her as she goes to many cons). I don't know for sure, but to me it totally looks like Jensen is standing on tippy toes in the op. :')

After getting a hug in my Jensen op, I felt pretty happy already, and was pretty sure I would be able to ask for one myself in my J2 op. It wasn't really neccesary though, as everyone in front of me was going for a hug as well, so I could just slide right between them. :'P Even though I'm a Jensen girl, I felt kind of awkward turning my back on Jared, so I wrapped my arms around both of them instead. Also? As you can see Jared's leaning on my shoulder in the op. It totally felt like a brick house was leaning on my shoulder. XD

For JIBland I had only gotten a Graham picture, but the Jared ops where still on sale at the convention ground, and I couldn't help myself. In the panels a girl had said to him that he gives great hugs, so when it was time for my op, I went up to him and said 'I heard you give great hugs', and he smiled and said something along the line of 'check this' and gave me a good squeeze. :'D

The last Photo op was with Graham. He's such a nice and funny man, I really enjoyed him this con. Love his accent. Also, he was wearing a kilt both days of the con, and he has very nice legs. :')

Alright, I'm going to round up this post here. Will probably start posting my pictures and video's of the panels tomorrow.

Oh! I totally won't be able to read back of what I missed on my flist during the con so I'm not gonna try. Let me know if I missed something important or something you really want me to see.


sam winchester, supernatural, photo's, fanart: supernatural, drawings, jus in bello convention, art, dean winchester, tea

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