JIBcon 7 art project: Henry

Apr 18, 2016 02:10

Man, I feel like I've been absent from LJ for a while now. Last week was a pretty sucky week with me suffering from stomach pains on and off, staying home sick on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday, sapping my energy. I haven't really been having a lot of energy lately anyway. I feel like I'm not really sleeping as well as I used too for some reason. ( Read more... )

supernatural, art, fanart: supernatural, fanart, drawings, jus in bello convention, personal

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Comments 26

wings128 April 18 2016, 01:16:07 UTC
I adore the way you've done his hair, hun, it looks like you could reach out and run your fingers through it. :D


sillie82 April 19 2016, 00:05:51 UTC
Aww, thank you. So glad you like it. Learning how to draw hair has been a struggle, so I'm glad it looks good now. :D


fireheart13 April 18 2016, 02:09:44 UTC
Beautiful drawing, and I'm so glad you are feeling better!!


sillie82 April 19 2016, 00:10:00 UTC
Thanks bb! Now if only my energy would come back. *taps finger impatiently*


amberdreams April 18 2016, 07:52:09 UTC
ooh lovely, the dark accents really make this pop from the softer version I saw on Instagram. His eyes are beautiful.

Maybe you have a bit of a virus - they can linger and make you feel low even after physical symptoms had gone. Rest, have lots of vitamins and build up your strength for the fun to come!


sillie82 April 19 2016, 00:10:58 UTC
Thanks bb. <3

Hmm, yeah, that could be. Will def. need my strength and energy in Rome. :')


milly_gal April 18 2016, 08:04:00 UTC
I'm so sorry you've been feeling so ooky, but look at what you created! I always love the way you do a close up then a full length but smaller image in the corner, absolutely gorgeous!


sillie82 April 19 2016, 00:11:30 UTC
Thanks bb. <3


hugemind April 18 2016, 08:07:23 UTC
I get those moods sometimes too, so don't worry about it. *hugs* I hope you'll get your energy back and that you still have something to do that you enjoy. Like drawing, because that portrait of Henry is really awesome!! You always do great hair and I really like Henry's eyes - they seem to have such calm intensity. <3<3


sillie82 April 19 2016, 00:12:04 UTC
Thanks bb, so glad you like it. :D


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