JIBcon 7 art project: Henry

Apr 18, 2016 02:10

Man, I feel like I've been absent from LJ for a while now. Last week was a pretty sucky week with me suffering from stomach pains on and off, staying home sick on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday, sapping my energy. I haven't really been having a lot of energy lately anyway. I feel like I'm not really sleeping as well as I used too for some reason. Maybe I'm having to much going on in my head atm. All I want to do sometimes is sit on the couch and watch tv/ play a game on my tablet/3DS. Sitting behind my computer and actually being social is something I'm struggling with right now. So if I haven't really been commenting to your journal, I'm sorry. I do read everything. I hope this feeling/ mood will pass soon. :/


I spent some time drawing this past week and today, and I finished the Henry Winchester portrait for JIB7.

(click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt // On Tumblr

References used: 1, 2

For those interested, I took 2 progress pictures with my phone. You can see them here and here on my Instagram.

Now to decide which artproject for JIBcon to tackle next... Only 4 more weeks to go! Eek!

supernatural, art, fanart: supernatural, fanart, drawings, jus in bello convention, personal

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