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Comments 8

amberdreams January 3 2016, 20:55:29 UTC
Aw I hope you will Springfling again this year, it's such a lovely challenge, and just look at the gorgeous pretty, pretty art you did!


sillie82 January 3 2016, 22:44:37 UTC
A lot of people love the springfling challenge, but I really, really didn't. I mean, I liked what I made, but it wasn't really worth all the stress and tears. :') But I am excited to see what other people will be making. :D


bflyw January 3 2016, 21:27:53 UTC
LJ doesn't really let me comment today (or post without trouble) - so I stick to comment to THIS post, and not to all of the art individually.
I LOVE them all. There were actually a couple I hadn't seen (points to icon).


sillie82 January 3 2016, 22:45:19 UTC
Yeah, LJ is being pretty glitchy for me too. :/ Thanks bb! :D


milly_gal January 4 2016, 11:19:26 UTC
I absolutely adore your sleeping Jensen Portrait! In fact I've never seen a piece of yours that I haven't loved so hard! ♥


sillie82 January 6 2016, 02:54:45 UTC
Aww, thanks bb. <3


killabeez January 6 2016, 14:05:46 UTC
Beautiful work! It is really cool to see the early portrait of Jensen against the more recent one. The drawing of Dean sleeping is one of my favorites.


sillie82 January 8 2016, 01:36:44 UTC
Thank you! :D


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