The Snowflake Challenge - Day 3

Jan 03, 2016 21:40

Day 03

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Hmmm... *dives into art masterlist*

1. Myths or Legends? - This piece was created in 2015 for spnspringfling. It was my first (and last!) time doing this challenge and my god, did it give me a bout of stress and insecurity I really didn't need. I do like the endresult though, so I'm sharing it once again. :)

2. Sleeping Dean Sketch - This is a piece from February 2009. Sleeping!Dean is one of my favorite Deans (next to hurt!Dean), and this sketch is still one of my favorite pieces.

3. Jensen Ackles Portrait - My very first Jensen portrait, drawn in January 2007. I kinda like looking back at old portraits just to see how much progress I've made since then (for comparison, the portrait of Jensen/Dean I did for JIBcon 5). :)

4. B.A.S. (2005) - I think this might be one of my favorite things I've drawn for the Nick/Greg fandom. It has always been kind of a running joke that Nick Stokes is afraid of... certain parts of the female anatomy. I had a brainfart and this comic just had to be drawn. :')

5. By Your Side - This is another favorite piece of Nick/Greg fanart I've drawn, in 2008. Our little corner of the CSI fandom was never really big, but I loved writing/ drawing these boys. <3


* For day 2 of the Snowflake challenge, one of the things on my wishlist was fic for my art that didn't have fic yet. Sweet sweet kalliel wrote a wonderful drabble for my latest piece, which was Jeff/Jensen art. It's her first time writing RPF, but you wouldn't know because it's wonderful. <3 Thanks again bb.

Title: Her Privates We
Pairing: Jeff/Jensen
Genre: slash, fluff, RPS AU
Rating: R
Word Count: ~950

She thinks his name is Anonymous.

* Another thing I asked for was hurt!Jensen/Dean and worried/caring!Jared/Sam fic, and cherie_morte alerted me to a J2 story she's written recently which has just that in it which I hadn't read yet, and it's wonderful.

Title: The Castaways
Fandom: Real Person Fic: CW
Characters/Pairings: Jared/Jensen with some vaguely implied future Genevieve/Danneel
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual content and past homophobia (off-screen), some internalized homophobia as a result
Word Count: 11,683

Jared hates the sea.


fanart: supernatural, fanart, drawings, csi fanart, recs, nick/greg fanart, fandom, snowflake challenge

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