JIB con and Art

Aug 31, 2015 00:46

Yesterday I finally got the email with the passnumber I managed to get for JIBcon 7, and whoo boy. I fricken managed to score bflyw and me front row seats! \o/ I got AP08, and I still can't really believe it. Combined with the fact I managed to get myself a Jensen and a J2 photo-op, AND I'll be rooming with two of my favorite people (bflyw and kreespa)... JIB7 is ( Read more... )

mail, sam winchester, about me, fanart, jus in bello convention, fandom, gifts, friends, supernatural, ratties, lj friends, fanart: supernatural, drawings, rats, squee, art, dean winchester

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Comments 26

cassiopeia7 August 30 2015, 23:10:35 UTC
Now you know I love my rattie to bits . . . but the second piece of Sam and Dean listening to the phone, well now, I think I've fallen in love with your work all over again. ♥

Also-also! During my first photo-op with Jensen, I could barely speak. Just kinda held my arms out a little bit, and he immediately got the hint. I got a hug. (And then went and cried in the ladies' room afterwards, but that's another story.) ;) Give the arm thing a shot. You never know.


sillie82 August 30 2015, 23:39:38 UTC
Awww... <3 Thank you so much. <3<3

That's a good one actually. I'm gonna attempt to speak, but if I forget how to English, the arm thing is a good back up. Thanks for the tip! :D


ennisjackdean August 31 2015, 00:30:45 UTC
Oh the rattie one is wonderful. Such
personality in that wee face. ♥♥♥


sillie82 September 2 2015, 21:24:52 UTC
Aww, thank you. :D


ennisjackdean August 31 2015, 00:39:35 UTC
And also I think you'll find the boys
are very understanding about these things.
They're famous for making their fans feel
less awkward.

Frankly your pic with your hands on their
shoulders has always been one of my favorites.
I'm surprised to hear the story behind it. To me
you look cool and relaxed.


sillie82 September 2 2015, 21:34:34 UTC
Yeah, I've always found them to be really sweet and nice when I had the pleasure of meeting them, so I'm not sure why I'm so scared of asking. It's still some time yet, so hopefully I'll be okay. :')

Haha, thanks. Good to know that my internal dialogue doesn't always show on my face. :')


supernutjapan August 31 2015, 06:06:37 UTC
Those are beautiful <3<3


sillie82 September 2 2015, 21:34:50 UTC
Thank you. :D


hugemind August 31 2015, 06:46:32 UTC
ART. \o/\o/ That is an adorable rattie. :D And OMG, the boys! *pets them all*

It seems to me like the photo ops have gotten very relaxed in the recent years and the boys are happily giving out a lot of hugs, so just remember that they enjoy doing that. Although I'd be scared to ask them for a hug, too. Maybe download a clip of them talking about the SPNfamily to your phone and watch that before the photo op or read a good photo op story to remind yourself how it's absolutely okay to ask for a hug.



sillie82 September 2 2015, 22:42:48 UTC
Thanks! :D

Those are real good ideas. Thanks!


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