Animals, animals everywhere

Jun 23, 2015 00:16

Been taking some pictures of our pets the other day, and of the young blackbirds we had in the tree in our garden.

First of, our ratties. Taking pictures of them is hard yo. Most of these aren't completely sharp, and these were the best I had. XD I let them run around on the top of their cage and hoped they would sit still once in a while. :')

Behind here be rattie pictures )

photo's, pictures, ratties, pets, animals, picspam, rats

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Comments 16

sleepypercy June 22 2015, 22:27:57 UTC
Look at all the cuties <3 Your cage for your ratties looks very sturdy. We had gerbils and they started getting crafty and figuring out how to sneak out.


sillie82 June 27 2015, 00:12:04 UTC
The cage is awesome. When I was looking for one I wanted to be sure it was suitable for rats, and it's been serving us well. :)


hefreak June 23 2015, 01:00:15 UTC
So cute!!


sillie82 June 27 2015, 00:12:22 UTC
Right? :D


ennisjackdean June 23 2015, 01:07:13 UTC
They're all beautiful but you know I
have a ratty crush on wee Sammy. Kisses
for him. ♥


sillie82 June 27 2015, 00:18:05 UTC
He has the cutest face, doesn't he? Will give him lots of kisses. :)


supernutjapan June 23 2015, 06:00:28 UTC
Awww! cute doggie and ratties and dignified cat :D It's so nice to see little birds grow up too<3


sillie82 June 27 2015, 00:21:28 UTC
Seeing little birds grow up is awesome. I love that they're in our tree, although I fear for their life constantly because Boris loves to hunt. :')


milly_gal June 23 2015, 08:06:27 UTC
You're extra family members are all so cute! I really want rats but I can't not with Loopy the mountain lion living here O_O and the pics of the birds, extremely well shot :D


sillie82 June 27 2015, 00:24:06 UTC
Heh. I really have to keep an eye on Boris, because he would love to grab one of the ratties. Anoek is a little less interested, thankfully.

Thanks! :D


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