Animals, animals everywhere

Jun 23, 2015 00:16

Been taking some pictures of our pets the other day, and of the young blackbirds we had in the tree in our garden.

First of, our ratties. Taking pictures of them is hard yo. Most of these aren't completely sharp, and these were the best I had. XD I let them run around on the top of their cage and hoped they would sit still once in a while. :')

Sammy and Bobby.

Deano, my little cuddle bug.

Sammy, climbing the top cage door while it was still open.

Made it!

Sammy checking out if there are other places to explore down there.

Bobby and Sammy.

Here are some pictures of the two cats and my mom's dog.

Boris between my moms plants.

My handsome little man. <3

My mom's dog Misha.

Look at him.

What is this face?

Anoek didn't want to show her face at first. Kept getting the back of her head on the pictures. :')

Finally a side shot! :D

Pretty lady.

Some extreme close ups of Boris.

He can be annoying as hell sometimes, but how can you be angry at this face?

Here he'd finally discovered the blackbirds in the tree. He's a very fast climber and was up there in no time.

Here he is, banned inside after he'd scared one of the young blackbirds so bad it had fluttered into out garden onto the ground. He had to stay inside untill I could put the young bird back into the tree, so it could flutter fly higher up again.

And finally, pictures of the blackbirds. We have a pretty big chestnut tree in our backyard, and birds like to nest in it. Every year, we have a couple of blackbirds who have a nest in or near the tree. I'm not sure if it's because we had to save the young twice from our cats, or because they got used to our voices, but they weren't very scared of us and sat low it the tree often. It made it pretty easy to take some pretty cool pictures.

Here's mama blackbird keeping an eye on me and my camera.

Young Blackbird chilling on his branch.

Papa Blackbird, also keeping an eye on me.

I checked yesterday and today and I didn't see them, so I think they've finally flown out. This is the second nest of the year already. It's still early, so I'm pretty sure mom and dad Blackbird will be going for a third nest. Hopefully Boris won't be to interested in them. Right now, his score is one dead great tit, and one (or was it two) still alive young Blackbirds.

Ah, the life of being a pet owner... :')

photo's, pictures, ratties, pets, animals, picspam, rats

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