Fic Recs

May 06, 2015 04:24

You know how you sometimes read fanfic that you really love, but for some reason you don't bookmark it, and then some weeks or months later, it pops back into your head and you just really want to read it again? I just had that happen, and thankfully I managed to actually find the fic again, and I found another great one in the process. Score! :D

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supernatural, recs, fanfic, asexuality

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Comments 2

locknkey May 6 2015, 07:14:10 UTC
Thanks for sharing these. I read a college AU a while back with an asexual Jensen and loved it. Can't wait to read these.


sillie82 May 6 2015, 22:39:24 UTC
You don't happen to have a link to that college AU with asexual Jensen?

Anyway, hope you enjoy these! :D


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