Fic Recs

May 06, 2015 04:24

You know how you sometimes read fanfic that you really love, but for some reason you don't bookmark it, and then some weeks or months later, it pops back into your head and you just really want to read it again? I just had that happen, and thankfully I managed to actually find the fic again, and I found another great one in the process. Score! :D

Title: Enough
Author: rose-the-hat
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 10,000-ish in 2 parts
Warnings/enticements: abuse of ellipses, gratuitous mentions of Game of Thrones.
Summary: in which Jensen is Asexual and Jared is not.

It was a quiet Tuesday afternoon in Cover to Cover Books, a few of Jensen’s regulars were slumped in armchairs of choice with a book. Jensen had Excel open going over his inventory and profits for the month when the tranquility of the shop was broken but the soft musical chimes above the door. Jensen turned to greet his new customer. He was a tall man, broad shouldered with long brown hair. He was looking around Jensen’s little shop with cautious interest.

And the other great fic I found:

Title: A Single Green Light
Author: writen0w
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,502
Summary: Things with Jared are going fine. So fine, in fact, that Jensen's struggling more and more to tell his boyfriend about his asexuality.

Jensen's fiddling with his iPod, searching for the perfect song to keep him company on the way home when he hears something sounding suspiciously like his name being called out. He stops and looks around, tries to spot the source in the crowd of students fleeing the building and heading into their weekend.

Enjoy! :D

supernatural, recs, fanfic, asexuality

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