The evolution of drawing...

Apr 04, 2015 04:41

As I mentioned earlier on this journal, spring cleaning has me in it's grip, and this week, I've started on my own room. Tuesday I was going through the drawers of my desk, and found a huge stack of old sketchbooks, with drawings in it going back 20 years. I couldn't resist and I had to go through them, and I took some pictures of some to share ( Read more... )

fairy, photo's, about me, fanart, personal, greg sanders, pictures, hair, drawings, picspam, room, csi fanart, anime, art, sketches, painting

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Comments 29

somer April 4 2015, 19:44:35 UTC
Eeehe, look at all the cute early drawings :) The artist was always in you, eh?

And yes, The Interstella 5555 one looked so familiar. But I couldn't immediately grasp it. But yes, I think the short version of this was in the charts. But I never saw the whole thing.

And goddamn, you have long hair :D And it still looks pretty thick :) Looks very pretty!!


sillie82 April 5 2015, 01:41:10 UTC
I've always loved to draw, so yeah, I guess so. :')

Yeah, Daft Punk used some of the movie as clips to the songs, so you def. could have seen it on tv. I didn't know it was a complete movie untill I saw the dvd in a shop.

Thanks! I've always wanted really long hair, but I did tell myself that it needed to look good as well. So I make sure it's well maintained. Of course, I really lucked out with the thickness of my hair, so that really helps. :)


souslelys April 4 2015, 21:13:35 UTC
OOh! Amazing progression <3 (Also Digimon and LoZ aw yeah!)


sillie82 April 5 2015, 01:42:34 UTC
Thank you! ('First generation' Digimon was my favorite, with Tai (or Taichi) as my favorite character. And LoZ... man, still love it so much. <3)


souslelys April 5 2015, 20:12:11 UTC
Yesss! That was my favourite too, and Taichi gosh <3

How excited are you for this though!?


sillie82 April 6 2015, 00:18:47 UTC
Omggg I didn't know about this! That is exciting! :D :D :D


milly_gal April 5 2015, 17:18:44 UTC
Wow! That was an amazing walk through your years as an artist, thank you so much for sharing!

Also, your hair I am SO jealous!!!


sillie82 April 6 2015, 00:20:27 UTC
Thank you, so glad you liked it. :D

My hair is my pride and joy, so thanks. :D


milly_gal April 6 2015, 11:41:35 UTC
It;s absolutely beautiful, how long does it take to wash and dry though? O_O lol.


sillie82 April 7 2015, 22:23:15 UTC
Thank you. Washing, not so long actually. I only soap up my scalp, the rest gets washed when I rinse it out. Drying though... from wet to completely dry it's at least 6 to 8 hours. :') Thankfully, my scalp doesn't get greasy fast, so I only have to wash it once a week.


hefreak April 5 2015, 23:43:50 UTC
Love seeing the art progression! And you're really good at what you do. :)

Also, love IKEA! Haha


sillie82 April 6 2015, 00:21:35 UTC
Aww, thank you. :D

Ikea is wonderful. If only I had more money... :')


hugemind April 7 2015, 20:40:19 UTC
Wow, it's really cool to see how your drawing evolved! You've obviously liked to draw since that's a pretty big pile of sketch books right there. :D

And YAY for making order out of chaos. It's really rewarding, isn't it? Also, your hair is kickass!! So long and pretty. *sigh* My hair just won't grow beyond bra-strap length/mid-back. It's been the same for the past 20 years, so I've long since accepted my fate. :)


sillie82 April 7 2015, 22:27:43 UTC
Thank you! Man, I used to draw so much. Going through them I realised how little I'm drawing now and it made me sad. I really need get back to drawing more, even if it's just doodling.

Very rewarding. It feels so good now, looking at that corner. Thank you! My hair was stuck at the mid-back length for about a year or 3, I think, and then suddenly it went past that. I was so stoked. XD


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