Loads of pictures and some whining

Aug 16, 2014 23:51

* Hey cassiopeia7! I send of your letter on thursday, so it should reach you soon! Just wanted to let you know. (Also, hope you're okay, I haven't seen you around here on LJ in almost two weeks, I think... )

* Here, have 5 more pictures from my trip to Norway. These pictures were taken by bflyw and beelikej, so I'm actually in them! :D Also, you can find their posts ( Read more... )

mail, photo's, pictures, picspam, family, art, bigbang, gishwhes

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Comments 18

kalliel August 16 2014, 23:43:08 UTC
The Noway pictures are beautiful! As are all the goats, etc. <333 The latter remind me of going to the county and state fairs in California. :D

I don't keep track of spn_j2_bb as well as I do other challenges I participate in, like summergen, but I'd imagine that after a while the shininess of the challenge does sort of wear away for people, unfortunately. :( I think after like, the first story/art, or for sure by the first week, the more casual BB reader/viewer stops being as attentive.

Last year, I think three...? Four...? People read my BB. MY GOAL THIS YEAR. IS FOR MORE THAN FOUR PEOPLE TO READ IT. Because man, it's literally hundreds and hundreds of hard work out of my life, and I actually think it's pretty damn good! So I feel you. :(


Have you posted your art to any other comms yet, like a normal piece of fan art? That might help recirculate to people who aren't necessarily following the BB comm, or lost track of things there. <3


sillie82 August 17 2014, 01:24:46 UTC
Only four people? Oh man, now I really feel bad for complaining. I'm hugely behind on BigBang, but I'm def. going to keep an eye out for your fic.

Yes, I have. I've crossposted to three other communities, of which two are art communities. It's just feels like a few years back, a lot more people were actually commenting. Now you either have to be fandom 'famous' or just be lucky you make something people like to drag in those comments.

Anyway. I really hope you'll get a lot more comments, 'cause so much work deserves it. <3


kalliel August 17 2014, 01:50:32 UTC
I agree with you about the fandom famous thing, unfortunately. :\ And what's a riot about that is that relative to so many other fandoms, SPN doesn't even really have "BNFs" or that kind of culture at all. And yet!

I think I wouldn't mind so much about the lack of response (at time of writing, I think that--that magic number!--four people who weren't my beta-readers have read my fic, XP), since my beta readers really did just leave the most amazing comments, if weren't also a reader of fic, and didn't also have to see that disparity time and time again. Because sometimes--and I know this sounds egotistical, and mean, but sometimes, seriously and objectively--you look at a fic/art with like 20 comments, or some unthinkable number of comments, and you're just like... you know for sure that yours is better ( ... )


sillie82 August 18 2014, 01:09:22 UTC
Because sometimes--and I know this sounds egotistical, and mean, but sometimes, seriously and objectively--you look at a fic/art with like 20 comments, or some unthinkable number of comments, and you're just like... you know for sure that yours is better. >.>

Yes, this. Or you know, that your art is at least as good, so what do they have that you don't? And I know I shouldn't do that to myself, or think that way, but yeah...

Aww, thank you bb! *smishes you*


sinnerforhire August 17 2014, 02:02:29 UTC
The only other year I did Big Bang was 2010, when there were 300 fics posted, and I posted the last week of August, and I still got 50+ comments. This year, I posted the second week of July and got 7 comments here and 4 on AO3. I think there just aren't as many people in the fandom anymore. Only one of my LJ commenters was someone I have friended. Most of my LJ friends have been inactive for years now. I think the days of multiple pages of comments for SPN or J2 fic are long gone, sadly.


sillie82 August 18 2014, 01:13:50 UTC
Yeah, I guess I'll just have to get used to the new numbers. It's kinda sad, but it is what it is, I guess. :/


runedgirl August 17 2014, 03:01:37 UTC
I just checked out your art and it's glorious - thanks for the reminder! Next to read the fic :) I haven't had a chance to read hardly any big bangs, so I have no room to complain - but it is really hard to see the general lack of response on LJ these days. I felt the same when I posted my big bang fic a few days ago. I remember years ago when there would be so many comments so quickly, and since we all put our hearts and souls into creating fic and art, it's only the comments that let us know anyone is seeing them. So yeah, it's hard. I miss those days when SPN fandom on LJ was so vibrant and alive. *sighs* But your art is as beautiful as ever, and I'm really glad you did big bang this year.



sillie82 August 18 2014, 01:18:24 UTC
Aww, thank you! *smishes you*

Yeah, I just caught up with most of the BigBang art, but I've hardly read any fic yet either. I do have a reading list though, and I'll be sure to leave comments to those that I've read.

and since we all put our hearts and souls into creating fic and art, it's only the comments that let us know anyone is seeing them.

Yes, this. Now, it sometimes takes up to 3 hours for the first comment to pop up, and you just start to doubt yourself in the mean time... But yeah. I miss those days when LJ was way more active too. :/

*hugs back*


matchboximpala August 17 2014, 06:06:46 UTC
Those pig pictures are hilarious. Thanks for sharing pics of your trip.

I can't read fast enough to keep up with the BB. Between work and traveling and my own BB commitments I haven't read more than 10 of the stories I have saved. And I usually comment on the art when I read the story. But I will go look at yours now!


sillie82 August 18 2014, 01:22:53 UTC
Haha, thanks! They were just so relaxed! I had to take pictures of them. :D

Aww, thank you for that. Well, I know you've read more then me. I've only managed to read 2. :/ I did go and check all the art out though, because I have very strong preferences for fic, so I know there's a lot I won't read, but I do want to check out the art. But I get that there are people who want the combined experience, so I'm kind of hoping more comments will trickle in in the coming days/ weeks.


bflyw August 17 2014, 09:56:44 UTC
Awesome pictures! It looks like a great day at the goat farm!

I posted my best art at 10 July - so rather early. You saw how I worked on that, and I was pretty proud of the outcome. But I still have less comments than you have on your art (only 1 separating them though....)So I think it's just that BB this year has been rather slow.... I have had more comments on my late postings the other years than I have had on my art this year.

But then - I haven't gone through BB to comment yet, and there might be many like me.


sillie82 August 18 2014, 01:27:07 UTC
Thank you! It was. :)

BB has been slow. Did you crosspost your art yet? That helps with getting in some more comments as well. I crossposted to three other communities (two of which are art communities), and it did help a little.

Could be, yeah. There's some very pretty art out there, so if you have the time, go check it out!


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