Loads of pictures and some whining

Aug 16, 2014 23:51

* Hey cassiopeia7! I send of your letter on thursday, so it should reach you soon! Just wanted to let you know. (Also, hope you're okay, I haven't seen you around here on LJ in almost two weeks, I think... )

* Here, have 5 more pictures from my trip to Norway. These pictures were taken by bflyw and beelikej, so I'm actually in them! :D Also, you can find their posts about the trip HERE (bflyw) and HERE (beelikej). :D

bflyw's pictures:

beelikej's pictures:

* Moar pictures! My family and I went and visited a goatfarm opened for the public to visit. There are not only goats, but also a lot of other farm animals. It was a lot of fun. And for the first time in a long time, I got to eat a soft ice-cream! It was made out of goatmilk, which is why I could eat it. Damn you cowmilk intolerance... *shakes fist* Anyway... pictures!

* Hmm... I was really excited to get a late posting date for BigBang, because that would give me loads of time to get some good quality art out there... but now I'm wondering if it wasn't better to get an earlier date, because it kind of seems like people are getting tired of it all? Commenting has been seriously slow, and that makes me sad. I've been working on this art for weeks, and I was so excited to share it with everyone... And don't get me wrong, I love all the comments I did get. And I feel kind of whiny and stupid for even mentioning this, but still... I kind of expected a little bit more?

Ugh, I don't know. Don't mind me. If you haven't seen my art yet, you can find it HERE. Also, I did some art for GISHWHES, which you can find HERE.

Which reminds me.... I'm so, so behind on commenting myself, so now I also feel a bit hypocritical. *hangs head and goes of to catch up*

mail, photo's, pictures, picspam, family, art, bigbang, gishwhes

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