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Comments 79

tmn1966 January 31 2014, 00:23:12 UTC
Oh my gosh! These are so awesome!!!!!!!!!! And you got Dean's bow legs and the amulet and his spiked hair, and Sam's hair! And their clothes! Oh man, I can't believe how much detail you did, like their belts and shirts. And than, you so much for sharing a bit of your process.

Such an amazing job!! So well done!


sillie82 January 31 2014, 00:36:15 UTC
Thank you! I will tell you, they took forever to make (I think at least 8 hours per doll), but it was so worth it. As I was making them, the idea formed to try and create something for reverse bang, and I'm so happy with the endresult. I'm really glad you like it too. :D

Thanks for your comment! :D


tmn1966 January 31 2014, 00:56:12 UTC
Oh wow, 8 hours each! Your dedication to creating this makes it all the more wonderful!!


sillie82 January 31 2014, 17:44:20 UTC
I spread it out over a week or two, but yeah, it was a lot of work. Fun though.:D


Forty-seven million kinds of WIN! cassiopeia7 January 31 2014, 00:24:50 UTC
Oh, my God. Sam's hair. Dean's bowlegs. THE TENTACLES!! Oh, bb, this is just so cute and so wonderful and . . . ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Oh, and ♥♥♥

Bloody fantastic job! BRAVA! *wild applause*


Re: Forty-seven million kinds of WIN! sillie82 January 31 2014, 00:38:28 UTC
Heehee, I'm so glad you like it. :D I had a blast with making and posing my little Sam and Dean.

Thank you, thank you! *bows*


roxymissrose January 31 2014, 00:41:48 UTC
Hokey smokes--that's AMAZING!! omg, seriously, they're the cutest things ever! So much attention to detail, and even though they don't have features, their little faces are killing me! And Dean's little bow-legs! So much love for this! :D


sillie82 January 31 2014, 17:51:56 UTC
Hee, thank you! I debated with my self for a while if I should give them features or not, but in the end I decided against it. Posing them and creating scenes is easier if they don't have fixed features that can't change. Thank you for your wonderful comment. :)


cherie_morte January 31 2014, 01:05:15 UTC
*bounces over* Yaaaayyyy, we did it! Even after my stupid laptop pulled that divea move. XD ( ... )


blythechild January 31 2014, 16:04:32 UTC
Blue tentacles are becoming a fetish for you, darling... o_O


cherie_morte February 1 2014, 06:44:09 UTC
WHAT??? MEEEE? A TENTACLE FETISH? This is slander. Slander and lies, I say.


sillie82 January 31 2014, 21:22:46 UTC
Hahaha, yaaay! We're awesome. *high fives you*

Afdgh, I'm so glad you had fun. I was very happy you claimed my prompt, and I think we created something damn awesome together. :D :D

Hee, the dolls can't actually stand up on their own (their feet are just to small), so I made them standards from the same wire I used to wire their limbs. Then when I have the pictures in Photoshop, I edit them out so it's like they where never there. :D

I had a lot of fun too. *smishes and twirls you* :D :D


siennavie January 31 2014, 02:20:14 UTC
Brilliant! Sam's hair makes me laugh because it kinda reminds me of Carrot Top's poof :P


sillie82 January 31 2014, 22:22:22 UTC
Haha, thanks! :D


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