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cherie_morte January 31 2014, 01:05:15 UTC
*bounces over* Yaaaayyyy, we did it! Even after my stupid laptop pulled that divea move. XD

I am so so happy I got to claim your art and write a story for you because it was just the fuuunnest! :D And because you are great. I was seriously so so excited when you said you were gonna crochet little tentacles to attach to Dean and then I saw them and I just clapped like a seal. THEY ARE SO BLUUUE (dabadee dabadie). I know I told you all of my favorite things already, but let me reiterate...

THIS IS THE CUTEST PORN IN HISTORY. I'm soo charmed by the manip and little naked Sam all wrapped up in Dean. XD

And the one of them standing next to each other where Dean is stealth cuddling Sam's ankle. *____* AND I LOVE THE KISS SO MUCH, I still need to make room for that icon I didn't have time to before posting because MY STUPID LAPTOP.

Also I cooompletely forgot to ask you how they stoof up on their own! So I am super pleased you included the info about the making of and the wires making them posable. INTERESTING STUFF.

:D I had so much working on this with you, BB. Thanks for being so patient and encouraging.


blythechild January 31 2014, 16:04:32 UTC
Blue tentacles are becoming a fetish for you, darling... o_O


cherie_morte February 1 2014, 06:44:09 UTC
WHAT??? MEEEE? A TENTACLE FETISH? This is slander. Slander and lies, I say.


sillie82 January 31 2014, 21:22:46 UTC
Hahaha, yaaay! We're awesome. *high fives you*

Afdgh, I'm so glad you had fun. I was very happy you claimed my prompt, and I think we created something damn awesome together. :D :D

Hee, the dolls can't actually stand up on their own (their feet are just to small), so I made them standards from the same wire I used to wire their limbs. Then when I have the pictures in Photoshop, I edit them out so it's like they where never there. :D

I had a lot of fun too. *smishes and twirls you* :D :D


cherie_morte February 1 2014, 06:44:57 UTC
OOOOooooOOOOooOOo. Very crafty! I guess it isn't surprising that you're crafty at this point. XD


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