john_w_bigbang: Everything I Didn't Know I Needed

Aug 30, 2013 03:29

Fic title: Everything I Didn't Know I Needed
Author name: kiltsocks
Artist name: sillie82
Genre: rps
Pairing: Jeff/Jensen, mentioned Jared/Genevieve
Rating: NC17
Spoilers: Nope, but art contails small spoiler for the story.
Warning: Domestic Abuse (physical and psychological) not by any J, language, violence, over abundance of hurt/comfort
Word count: 31,000+
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jared padalecki, jeffrey dean morgan, icons, jensen ackles, bigbang, fanart

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Comments 17

whiskyboys August 30 2013, 16:35:17 UTC
Woohoo, we did it!!

You know how much I love your art; it's simply stunning.

Thanks again for all your help and patience :)



sillie82 September 16 2013, 10:56:55 UTC

Awww, thank you! You wrote a wonderful story, so I'm glad my art did it justice. :)

Thank you for your patience as well. *smishes* :D


cassiopeia7 August 30 2013, 19:46:34 UTC
Wow, bb, nice work! The banner is creepy-lovely with the broken glasses and blood spatter. Yikes, what happened there? (Bravo on awesome usage of the banner alone to draw us into reading the story.)

The big picture, with JDM and Jensen . . . WOW. Jensen's stunned expression and his mouth, in particular, are quite beautifully rendered. My eyes keep being drawn back to his lips.

And . . . freckles!! ♥


sillie82 September 16 2013, 11:00:47 UTC
Thank you! Heehee, you'll have to read the story to find out (you might have already; if you have, hope you enjoyed! :D).

I'm so glad you like it. I must admit I was a bit insecure about this one, maybe because it took so long to post and I had to much time to look at it. XD

Freckles! \o/


beelikej August 31 2013, 08:42:00 UTC
Kick ass banner! Lots of angst with just that image, well done:)

Ahw, Jeff and Jensen are so sweet together. I have a slight preference for the pencil version, I think that's because Jeff's hair looks so fluffy there. Also: sideburns FTW \o/
*snuggles in between them*


sillie82 September 16 2013, 11:03:33 UTC
Thanks! :D

So glad you like them. The long time it took to post this gave me to much time to look at this, and in turn made me a bit insecure about it. :')


bflyw August 31 2013, 19:46:03 UTC
Really god art! The summary looks great as well...too bad I just can't stomach Jeff/Jensen fics. :-(


sillie82 September 16 2013, 11:04:11 UTC
Aww, thank you! Glad you like the art. :)


tanisafan September 1 2013, 11:10:24 UTC
Ohhh, what a great scene you picked. I love the interplay here, so so much! I also really love the banner, it seems very different from what you normally draw (?) but really, really telling in an ominous way. Love it!


sillie82 September 16 2013, 11:04:56 UTC
Thank you! Yes, the banner is different from what I normally do, so I'm glad people like it. :D


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