john_w_bigbang: Everything I Didn't Know I Needed

Aug 30, 2013 03:29

Fic title: Everything I Didn't Know I Needed
Author name: kiltsocks
Artist name: sillie82
Genre: rps
Pairing: Jeff/Jensen, mentioned Jared/Genevieve
Rating: NC17
Spoilers: Nope, but art contails small spoiler for the story.
Warning: Domestic Abuse (physical and psychological) not by any J, language, violence, over abundance of hurt/comfort
Word count: 31,000+
Summary: When Jeff’s son, Jared invites an old college friend going through a tough time a place to stay, nobody realizes the impact it’s going to have on their lives. Jeff has to face some hidden truths about himself and Jensen’s troubled past may not be as far behind him as he hoped.

Artist Notes: Art for kiltsocks's story 'Everything I Didn't Know I Needed', which was written for the john_w_bigbang. Okay, this has been done forever, but things kinda came to a stand-still at the comm. and then we never got to posting. But here it finally is! :D Hope you all like it. And go read the story! :D

Scene Illustration:
(click to see bigger)

'The weather had turned chilly, even colder than it had been that morning when they'd left home, and Jeff reckoned there was a good likelihood of snow soon. By the time they'd walked the short distance to the car he was incredibly grateful for the padded warmth of his jacket and his thick leather gloves. Even inside his winter coat, Jensen seemed to be shivering and once they clambered inside the car and Jeff had turned the heating all the way up, he realised that Jensen didn't have his gloves on and his hands were trembling.

"Jesus kid, where did you leave your gloves this time?"

"Think maybe on the hall table, and I'm not a kid. I keep telling you I'm twenty six, I stopped being a kid a long time ago," Jensen said, spreading his palms in front of the warm air blowing through the vents trying to regain the feeling in his fingertips.

Without hesitating to think, Jeff grabbed Jensen's frozen hands in his own now gloveless ones and rubbed them gently, blowing warm breath across them, knowing that once the blood started flowing into his fingers again they would be stinging like a bitch.'

Pencil Version:
(click to see bigger)


Constructive criticism and comments are love. :3

jared padalecki, jeffrey dean morgan, icons, jensen ackles, bigbang, fanart

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