The madness that is GISHWHES

Aug 20, 2013 23:38

As some of you might know, last week was GISHWHES (the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen) week. I decided to once again participate (because I needed the creative boost), and had a great time. I was in pretty much the same team as last year (with some awesome new additions), and we made some awesome things. Go team! :D ( Read more... )

creative, crack, pictures, art, gishwhes, painting

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Comments 17

borgmama1of5 August 20 2013, 21:51:19 UTC
That's some mad creativity! :)


sillie82 August 21 2013, 02:07:19 UTC
Thanks! :D


sbslink August 20 2013, 22:05:58 UTC
Looking good once again!


sillie82 August 21 2013, 02:07:31 UTC
Thank you. ^__^


cassiopeia7 August 20 2013, 22:09:28 UTC
Aww, you rock, bb! I am particularly fond of the haiku (bravo on the syllable-count AND the content!), but the dried-fruit portrait is BRILLIANT, as is the amazingly detailed sand "painting" of Felicia. How large was the sand piece?


sillie82 August 21 2013, 02:10:46 UTC
Hee, thank you! :D The sand piece was about 20 by 15 inches, I think?


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sillie82 August 25 2013, 14:22:49 UTC
Thanks! :D


beelikej August 21 2013, 10:49:13 UTC
The artistic challenges are always the best. \o/ Good stuff, love the drawings; very cute horses! I keep wondering about Misha and Queen Elizabeth;). The fruit and sand portraits are very cool. Did you ever see de Klaas Vaak series from de Efteling? He tells fairytales by drawing them with sand, it's magical, highly recommended (I bought the DVDs, but I think it's on TV on Sunday mornings somewhere and there was a vid on YouTube but due to copyrights that may be gone again)


sillie82 August 25 2013, 14:24:25 UTC
That they are. And they're pretty much the only ones I can do. XD Thaaaank you. :DD
No, I haven't seen it. I'll see if I can find it somewhere though, sounds interesting. :D


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