Lots and lots of pictures about random stuff. :')

May 08, 2013 00:10

@ spn_j2_bigbang time is upon us! I've claimed a wonderful story, and now that the reveal has been posted, I can share with you what I'll be working on. :D This is my claim:

Title: Wolf Like Me
Author: happysgolucky
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jared Padalecki is a gorgeous young Alpha that is destined to take over his father's pack one day. He doesn't want ( Read more... )

shoes, random, sam winchester, photo's, randomness, fanart, jus in bello convention, crocheting, elf fantasy fair, pictures, supernatural, picspam, spicspam, art, youtube, dean winchester, bigbang, painting

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Comments 3

sylvia_locust May 8 2013, 03:11:52 UTC
The shoes, the crochet, the bookmaking... not to mention the drawing and painting and the Skittles art... pretty much everything you do amazes me!

I've attempted to do many of these things myself with dismal results :D I mean, not the Skittles thing though. Those suckers are too tasty to glue down.

Looking forward to reading the BB fic and enjoying your artwork!


sbslink May 8 2013, 07:39:06 UTC
Nifty crafts once again :) I think the people at JIB con are going to love your stuff too!


darktwinkle May 8 2013, 22:12:30 UTC
Hope you have a great time at the con!

I love seeing your pictures, everything always looks so awesome ^^ and that fair thing looks like a good day out

*refuses to follow youtube link in case it sets off another hobby* :P


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