Lots and lots of pictures about random stuff. :')

May 08, 2013 00:10

@ spn_j2_bigbang time is upon us! I've claimed a wonderful story, and now that the reveal has been posted, I can share with you what I'll be working on. :D This is my claim:

Title: Wolf Like Me
Author: happysgolucky
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jared Padalecki is a gorgeous young Alpha that is destined to take over his father's pack one day. He doesn't want a mate, prefers casual hook ups over relationships, until he meets a human named Jensen. Jensen is sexy and sweet and obviously Jared's mate. The problem is, Jensen has NO idea werewolves exist or that Jared is one. Can Jared get Jensen to not just accept him but what he truly is, or will his secret push away his soul mate?

I'm really excited to get working on this. I've never done art for a werewolf story, so yeah. *rubs hands* Our posting date is june 28th, so watch this space! :D

@ Another very exciting thing... The Jus In Bello convention is right around the corner! I'll be flying out to Rome this thursday. *hyperventilates a little* So excited, but nervous at the same time. I'm running around trying to get everything ready, and to make sure I won't forget anything. As you might be able to tell, I'm a bit of a nervous traveler. XD

@ Here, have some pictures of the shoes I painted with Sam and Dean chibi's yesterday.
It’s a tiny bit messy, and if I do it again, I’ll probably buy some better quality paint, but all in all, it looks pretty good, if I say so myself. :’)

We'll see how long they'll last. :')

@ Remember THIS post about the crocheted Sam and Dean I made for my friend? Well, I finally finished a pair all for myself. Here, have some pictures:

Oh no! Pinned to the wall by a demon! XD

They'll also be tagging along with me when I go to JIBcon:

@ A few weeks back, I went to the Elf Fantasy Fair. It was awesome, so many people in wonderful costumes, and the weather was beautiful. So of course I took pictures:

Fili and Kili!

And another Kili.

More dwarfs. :D


Pacman! :D :D :D

Zelda and Link.

@ Lately, I've been getting more into making and binding my own books. Mainly because of this youtube channel. Here are some pictures of one of my latest projects, and a bookpress I made myself.

The bookpress I made by following the instructions in this youtube tutorial.

@ Wow, this has turned into a massive post... I should really remember to post more often. XD

shoes, random, sam winchester, photo's, randomness, fanart, jus in bello convention, crocheting, elf fantasy fair, pictures, supernatural, picspam, spicspam, art, youtube, dean winchester, bigbang, painting

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